bengbushi specialty

Huaiyuan Pomegranate

More than 4,000 years ago, Daxie used to guide Huaishan in this mountain, leaving many humanities and historical sites. Nowadays, Huaiyuan is once again famous for its beautiful scenery and rich products. As a local iconic product, Huaiyuan Pomegranate, "Zibai Ying is like crystal, the fruit is as big as a bowl, the skin is yellow and red, the grain is fine for corn, the bright is like pearl, the meat is fine, the juice is sweet," Zeng As a tribute to the court, it is a treasure in the durian.

Tuohu crab

Wuhu is a bright pearl embedded in the Huaibei Plain. It is the largest aquatic product production base in northern Hebei. The shore of Wuhu Lake is curved, the silt is deep, the water quality is fresh and pollution-free (the water quality is better than the standard of Class II water close to Class I). The lake has abundant water and grass, and there are many kinds of floating animals and plants, and the feeding ability is strong. The natural water environment provides a solid material foundation for the growth of high quality fish, shrimp and crab. The puffer crab produced in the lake is "green shell, white belly, golden claws, brown cheek". The body color is pure and the body is strong and powerful. The crab shell meat is full and the fat is rich. After cooking, the body color is red, the female crab "crab" oil red such as glutinous rice, the male crab "crab" is transparent as jade; the crab meat is slightly sweet, fresh, and the crab shell is high in crisp calcium content. "吱哩咔嚓" sounded. It is rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamin A.

Bailianpo Tribute Rice

Bailianpo Gongmi has a history of more than 200 years. It is named after the place of production in Bailianpo, Huaiyuan County. Because of the rich nutrition of the planting land and the irrigation of the non-polluted Luanhe Lake, the rice is white and crystal clear. The rice exhibition is refreshing and nutritious. It has been well-known as a tribute. In 1995, it was awarded the title of “Green Food” by the China Green Food Development Center.