botoushi specialty

Botou Yali Pear

Botou Yali is a special product of Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. It has the largest cultivated area of ​​Botou, the earliest planting, and the best quality. The Botou pear is fruity and handsome. The skin is fine, crisp and juicy, sweet and refreshing. The color of the flesh is milky white, the cells are juicy, the stone cells are few, small, sweet, and rich in aroma.

Shili liqueur

Shilixiang people develop and inherit the traditional brewing process. Combining the climatic conditions, water quality, soil and other geographical environment and the unique characteristics of local food crops in the Zhangzhou area, we have established a 600-mu Luzhou-based wine brewing base. It has cultivated a brewing environment suitable for a strong fragrance, so that Shili Liquor has always maintained a strong local style, and it is worthy of the wine of the hometown.

Cangzhou Ziziphus jujuba

Quzhou Jinsi jujube has a long history of cultivation. The production area covers the counties of Jixian, Xianxian, Jiaohe, Yanshan and Hejian in the Yinzhou area. It is also known as the main producing area of ​​Zhangzhou Jingerzhuang, and Jixian County has been hailed as the “hometown of golden silk jujube” in China. In the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Qianlong of the Emperor Qianlong was the royal jujube garden. Since then, Ji Xiaoyu's hometown hundred acres of jujube garden has become the royal jujube garden in the Qing Dynasty.