chengxian-chengguanzhen specialty

Wudu Sichuan Pepper

Wudu District has a long history of planting pepper. It is known as the “Millennium Pepper Township”. Since the Tang Dynasty, Wudu pepper has been a tribute to the dynasty. It is popular in the Quartet and is enduring.

Lixian apple

The apple varieties of Lixian County mainly include Marshal, Fuji and Golden Crown. Lixian apple has a high hardness, bright fruit color, neat fruit, sweet and sour taste, rich aroma, crisp and tender flesh, rich nutrition and excellent taste. Lixian apple has a thick skin layer and high pectin content, which is resistant to storage and transportation.

Wenxian Codonopsis pilosula

The Wenxian County Party is known as the "pattern party" because its roots are densely striped and pass through more than half of the roots. The party has roots in medicine, is flat and sweet, and has the effect of replenishing vital energy. Because of the content of effective medicinal ingredients, it enjoys a high reputation. The party contains alkaloids, sucrose, inulin, glucose, starch, mucus and various trace elements, vitamins B1 and B2. The main features of Wenxian County Party are: "The lion head is chrysanthemum heart, the outer pine is tight and flexible, the body is thick and thick, and the taste is sweet and chewy without slag."

Kangxian Black Fungus

Kang County is a green treasure land in Gansu. The forest coverage rate in the territory is as high as 84%. It is rare in China. In the dense forest, there are more than 700 species of higher plants in 172 families, among which the tree species suitable for the growth of edible fungi such as black fungus up to 4 There are 17 species of 6 genera, covering an area of ​​1.1 million mu. There are more than 600 large fungi growing in the forest, which provides a good ecological environment for the growth and reproduction of black fungus. Kangxian black fungus is an excellent strain selected from the natural growth of wild fungus in Kangxian County. The fruit body is colloidal, the ear shape is irregular, and the shape is more chrysanthemum. The meat is thick and thick, fresh and soft, and the horny and color after drying. Black brown. Kangxian black fungus is cultivated with segment wood. It is rich in cellulose, vegetable gum, fat and polysaccharide colloid. It is soft to the taste, lubricated, delicious and tender. It is a high-grade tonic and its nutrition is unique. The quality is well-known at home and abroad, and it is selling well in the market.

Liangdang wolf tooth honey

Two wolf tooth honey named for its honey source plant is a wolf tooth thorn, the wolf tooth thorn, scientific name: white thorn flower. Common name: sheep fruit eye thorn. Because its thorn is like a spike, it is called a wolf tooth thorn by the locals. "Two when the wolf honey" fragrance is warm and warm, pure and elegant, refreshing and mellow, fresh and delicious, sweet and not greasy. It has the unique floral aroma of the honey plant wolf tooth flower, which is the top grade in honey.

Huixian Ginkgo

Ginkgo biloba is a natural wild special in Huixian County. The fruit is small, and the outer peel is golden yellow like kumquat. The seed nucleus is nearly round or elliptical. The fresh seed nucleus is white marble or fish belly white. If it is a plate, Xiao Ruomei nuclear, welcome Looking at the light, it looks like a white pearl. The shell is thicker, the flesh is thick and tender, the juice is full, and there is no smell. After processing, the yellow and yellow are transparent, the texture is fine, the entrance is soft and delicate, fresh and sweet, the tendons are elastic, and the aftertaste is slightly bitter. It is favored by consumers because of its rich nutrition, delicious taste, low embryogenic rate, high germination rate and high quality.

Cheng County Walnut

More than 2,000 years ago, Guo Yigong of Jin Dynasty had made such an evaluation on the walnuts in Chengxian and surrounding areas in "Guangzhi": "Chencang walnuts have thin skin and multiple muscles, and Yinping walnuts are large and brittle and rushed." Geographical conditions are suitable for the growth of walnuts. Therefore, compared with other places, Chengxian walnut trees are strong, fruit-shaped gardens, thin skin, full of meat, pure meat, high oil yield, and are well received by domestic and foreign merchants and consumers. Favored. The 40-year-old tree can reach 13 meters in height, 1.5 meters in dry circumference and more than 10 meters in diameter. The fruit has a large suture line, smooth fruit shell, light yellow or light amber color, rich and full, no odor, sweet and delicious. Rich in nutrition and high quality.