enshishi-enshidaxiagufengjingguanlichu specialty

Enshi Black Pork

The black pig in western Hubei is the general name of the black pig in the Enshi mountainous area. The main feeding method is grazing and feeding. Generally, the more economical feeding method is pasture feeding, and the locally produced corn, beans, potatoes, and red carp are used as supplement materials. Enshi black pork is bright red, delicate and juicy. It is rich in mineral elements and unsaturated fatty acids required by the human body such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and selenium. It is a treasure in food.

Enshi Yellow Beef

Enshi Yellow Beef is also called Enshi Yellow Cattle Snowflake Beef. Beef fat is deposited between the muscle fibers to form a distinct red and white, marble-like beef. Enshi Yellow Cattle Snowflake Beef is delicate, tender and delicious.

Enshi Potato

Enshi has a saying: "The mountain is low in the mountains." Enshi potato has excellent intrinsic quality, which is the consensus of many experts in China. Enshi Prefecture is located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountain. The soil is rich in selenium, and the high, medium and low altitudes are three-dimensional. The temperature, rainfall and sunlight in the territory are extremely suitable for potato growth, which has created the unique quality of Enshi potato.