huzhoushi snacks

Huzhou Big Wonton

Huzhou Daxie is a traditional snack in Zhejiang Province. It originated in Huzhou and has a long history. It is made with pork leg, bamboo shoots, sesame seeds, diced green onion, white sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, Shao wine and salt. After the oysters are cooked, they are placed in the meat and bone soup and sprinkled with diced green onion and egg skin. The skin is thin and stuffy, and the soup is delicious.

Ding Lianfang dried beancurd sheets baozi

Ding Lianfang is a famous century-old shop in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. It was founded in the Qing Dynasty for four years. Inspired by the oily tofu powder, Ding Lianfang, a vegetable hawker, used tofu, pork, scallops, Kaiyang and other ingredients to join. The fans and broth made from mung bean are the famous snacks in Huzhou. It is said that even Deng Xiaoping has designated to eat Ding Lianfang's thousand buns.