jianhexian specialty

Sansui duck

Sansui duck is one of the best local egg-eating duck breeds in China. It has the characteristics of small size, early maturity, egg production, adaptability and strong feeding ability, and the meat is tender and delicious. Three-spotted duck feathers are tight, close to the body, small head, short mouth, high eye, iridescent brown, slender neck, wide body length, chest wide and prominent, sternum long, abdomen large and soft, cashmere developed The tail warp, the body drive is similar to the ship shape, and is about 50 degrees away from the ground plane when walking. It is slender, scorpion and scorpion are orange-red, claws are black, and green mirror feathers.

Majiang Blueberry

The content of anthocyanin in Majiang blueberry fruit is as high as 300 mg/100g. It is a nutritious health fruit with high amino acid, high zinc, high calcium, high iron, high copper and high vitamin. It is known as “Queen of Fruit” and “Beautiful

Jianhe Uncaria

Guizhou Jianhe Uncaria, also known as the eagle claw wind, gold hook, is an evergreen woody vine plant of the genus Rubiaceae, which is used as a stem and branch, and has the function of clearing heat and calming the liver. It is used for the treatment of headache, dizziness, cold caught, convulsions, convulsions, gestational eclampsia, hypertension, etc. It is the main medicine for treating headache, dizziness and high blood pressure. It is a common traditional medicine in Jianhe County and a major raw material for pharmaceutical companies. It is not only famous in China, but also exported to Japan and South Korea.