jingbianxian-huanghaojiezhen specialty

Jingbian Potato

Jingbian potato is well-known in the domestic and foreign markets for its large, uniform, bud-like and high-starch content. Its unique product quality benefits from the unique cultivation conditions in the local area. The temperature difference between day and night in Jingbian County is large, and the temperature change curve is in good agreement with the biological characteristics of the potato, which is more conducive to the improvement of potato starch content and quality. In addition, the sunshine is sufficient, the rain and heat are the same season, and the soil is fertile. The soil in the county is mostly loamy loessial and sandy loam. The soil is deep, the soil is loose, and the water retention and permeability are good, which is conducive to the expansion of potato tubers. The local area is the eugenic area of ​​potatoes, and it is also a breeding area for potato varieties, which can meet the growth requirements of early, middle and late ripe potato varieties.

Jingbian carrot

Dongkeng Town, Jingbian County is one of the main producing areas of carrots. The average sea level is about 1400 meters. The climate is dry, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the light is sufficient, the soil is loose, and most of it is sandy soil. It is very suitable for planting potatoes and carrots. Herbaceous plants. Jingbian carrot, raw and refreshing sweet, cooked sweet and delicious, full of carotene, with anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-oxidation, immune regulation and other effects.