luanpingxian-wudaoyingzimanzuxiang specialty

Shangzhuang Old winery

The old wine of the mountain is obviously different from other fragrant wines, and it is a unique style of white wine. Its unique style comes from its unique production process, unique water quality, Daqu and bad, kiln pond, climate, specific geographical and natural environment and unique microbial community. It is because of these unique geographical locations, natural environment and unique The production process produces a unique style of white wine.

Jingdong chestnut

The Yanshan Mountains in Hebei are rich in chestnuts. Due to their unique climate and rich mineral-rich soil, they are rich in nutrients and sweet in taste. Especially after frying, the aroma is tangy and the entrance is instant. Since ancient times, there has been a great reputation. According to historical records, during the Song Dynasty, the chestnuts in the Yanshan area were royal tributes. Going into modern times, because it is produced in the east of Beijing, it is referred to as "Jingdong Chestnut". Now "Jingdong Chestnut" has become a household name and has become a delicious taste on people's tongue.