suiningshi-chuanshanqu specialty

Chuan angelica root

The root of Chuanbai has a long conical shape, the strip is thick, the weight is solid, the radial texture of the section and the brown oil point are obvious, and the aroma is rich. In the "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic", the white peony is listed as an essential medicine for internal medicine, gynecology, and surgery. It can publish, dispel cold, and treat cold and cold headaches caused by yang. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", Li Shizhen said: The wind-heater is scattered by Xin, and the hot and humid person is removed by the warmth. It is the main medicine of Yangming, so it can cure blood and fetal diseases, and relieves pain and relieves pain.

Chuanshan Tofu Leather

Chuanshan tofu skin oil is bright and lustrous, with fine lines, soft and smooth, soft and elastic, soft and soft. Among them, five fragrances are golden in color, and the small sesame oil is rich in aroma; the spicy color is red and bright, spicy and refreshing, and the aftertaste is long.