taiyuanshi-xiaodianqu snacks

Renyili beef and mutton steamed dumplings

The “Identity Dumplings Pavilion” was founded in 1930 by the Hui people An Liangtian. "Recognition of one force" comes from "recognition of the Lord, the main force is endless." In addition to the good lamb, the fillings of the mutton steamed dumplings are also equipped with more than ten kinds of Chinese herbal medicines such as Amomum villosum L., soybean meal, white peony root, medlar, dried tangerine peel, ginger, cinnamon and pepper. These accessories have aroma, In addition to phlegm, appetizing, and digestive functions. Therefore, steamed dumplings are not only not greasy, but also delicious, and rich in nutrients. The method of recognizing the steamed dumplings is also very particular. The finished product should reach the standard of “thin skin, small side, large stuffing, half-mesh shape, no opening, no filling”.

Stone cake

The stone cake is a unique specialty snack in Shanxi. Popular in Shanxi Yuncheng, Yongji, Linyi, Fuyang area. The stone cake has two kinds of white noodles and bean noodles, and the latter one is generally for home consumption. Because people's diet is different, white cakes are divided into stuffed stone cakes, sugar stone cakes and general stone cakes.

Shanxi corn flou cake

Spreading yellow children is a famous snack in Jindongnan and Jinzhong districts. It is also known as yellow fried. It is also known as a stall. It has golden yellow color, sweet and tender, and easy to digest. The raw materials for the yellowing children are millet noodles, cornmeal, glutinous rice noodles, glutinous rice noodles, noodles, etc., and also can be used with millet noodles and corn flour with a little white flour mixed flour.