wangcangxian specialty

Wang Cang Eucommia ulmoides

Wang Cang Eucommia, a famous specialty of Wangcang County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, is the dry bark of Eucommia ulmoides plant, which is a valuable nourishing Chinese medicine. With many functions such as liver and kidney, strong bones and muscles, blood pressure lowering, and fetus, it has a good reputation in Southeast Asian countries and Hong Kong and Macao.

Guangyuan olive Oil

Guangyuan olive oil, special product of Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. Guangyuan is one of the research and cultivation bases for Chinese olive oil. The climate is suitable, the soil is fertile and alkaline, and the calcium is rich. The olive fruit produced is high in oil and good in quality. Guangyuan planted olive oil began in the late 20th century. In 1977, more than 2,000 olives planted in Guangyuancheng tablets reached a prolific period. The olive fruit oil yield was 18.2%, and the yield per mu and oil yield were close to those of the Mediterranean countries.

Micangshan tea

Micang Camellia is rich in zinc and has high selenium content, high color and green color, strong aroma and long lasting, prominent chestnut fragrance, and orchid fragrance. The taste is fresh and mellow, the soup color is green and bright, and the leaves are tender and thick, complete and resistant to brewing.

Hanwang Mountain giant salamander

The back of the Hanwangshan baby fish is dark brown, the belly is light white or light gray, the meat is tender, delicious and non-greasy, the taste is smooth and refreshing, rich in protein, amino acid, zinc and other nutrients. It has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney and nourishing blood. It has obvious curative effect on anemia, cholera and malaria. Its skin and skin secretions have the effect of stopping bleeding, and it is a special medicine for treating burns and burns. Hanwangshan baby fish protein content ≥ 17%, amino acid content ≥ 14%, zinc content ≥ 16mg / kg, the quality is better than other regions.

Chaotian Walnut

Chaotian Walnut is a specialty of Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. It is known as one of the "Guangyuan Seven Musts". It has the characteristics of large individual, thin shell, beautiful flavor, rich and delicate fleshy, crispy, excellent quality, high content of beneficial elements, high rate of kernel and easy to take kernel. Now it cultivates three kinds of summer morning, Shahe and Shuoxing. Provincial grades.