weinanshi specialty

Luonan Walnut

Luonan specialty walnuts are large, full, thin and high quality, which are favored by domestic and foreign consumers. The medical value of Luonan walnut is quite high, and the health care effect is obvious. It has the functions of “reinforcing qi and nourishing blood, replenishing kidney and solidifying essence, warming the lungs and intestines, supplementing the brain and prospering life, passing through the blood and stimulating the hair and nourishing the skin”. Long-term consumption can promote development, brain and brain, enhance memory, improve immunity, and have obvious anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.

Pucheng Pear

Pucheng Pear is mainly produced in Pucheng County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. The unique geographical environment makes Pucheng Crisp pears refreshing, taste and nutrition are better than similar products. Pucheng is also known as “the hometown of Chinese pears”, and is recognized as the best ecological region of the world's best pears by experts at home and abroad. .

Fuping dark jade (a mudstone)

Fuping Moyu, its color is like ink, greasy and warm, Fuping Moyu crafts use traditional crafts, continue the traditional ink jade culture; Fuping Moyu crafts use Fuping Moyu (mudstone) as raw material, after mining, material selection, Forming, cutting, grinding, plate, engraving, hand grinding, cooking, polishing and other processes are finely made. The color is heavy and greasy, the texture is fine, the black is like ink, the light and clean is lovely, the color is pure, the hardness is small, the purity is high, The density is large, the impurities are small, and it is the best material for the treatment of knives and knives. The ancients and diamonds, gems and colored stones are called "Guimei Stone", which is a precious and rare natural resource.

Taro black porcelain

There is a rare ruin of the folk kiln group in Shantou Town, Chengcheng County, Shaanxi Province, covering an area of ​​4 square kilometers. The history of porcelain making is over a thousand years. During the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the Shantou porcelain industry reached its peak. The folk ceramic utensils such as bowls, pots, pots and pots that were burned by the "Shantou Kiln" were simple and durable, and the marketing was more and more famous. Up to now, there are still more than 30 ancient kiln and 75 ancient dwellings in the site of Shantou Kiln. This place is rich in coal resources, and there are bauxite mines distributed in the stone cliffs of the gully. The raw materials of white and purple are mixed to facilitate the firing of ceramics and sanders. The local farmers used the slack farming, the summer and autumn billet painting, and the winter kiln sales, which were passed down from generation to generation.

Fuping goat milk powder

Fuping County was awarded the title of “Hometown of Milk and Goat” by the State Council, and has become the breeding base of Guanzhong dairy goats with the largest scale and best quality in the country. Goat milk is the food closest to breast milk and is known as the "king of milk". The goat milk powder is pure in color, uniform in granules, good in brewing, rich in frankincense, moderate in sweetness, rich in protein, fat, lactose and multivitamins. It is a nourishing good for both young and old.

Fuping nine-eyed lotus

Nine-eyed lotus is a kind of lotus dish unique to Fuping. There are nine small holes in each lotus dish, one is not more than one, and the small holes are arranged in a plum-like shape, which is called nine-eyed lotus. The nine-eyed lotus festival is long and half-length. It is as white as jade, fat as a leg, firm in feel, sweet and crisp, with no residue at the entrance, delicious and refreshing. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It can cook dozens of dishes and is a lotus dish. The best of the best.

Shaanxi apple

Due to the establishment of Chang'an, the capital of the Zhou, Han and Tang dynasties, Shaanxi has formed a national political, economic and cultural activity center very early. Therefore, the exotic flowers and fruits of the Quartet have also been introduced and cultivated. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the cultivation of fruit trees in Shaanxi entered its peak. The "Xijing Miscellanies" describes the fruit tree varieties of Shanglinyuan: "The group of ministers and distant fruits are dedicated to fruit trees... pear ten... jujube seven... Lisi four... peach ten... Li fifteen... 柰 three... plum Seven...Apricot II", which also records "... 柰 three, white peony, purple 柰 (flower purple), green 柰 (flower green)", that is, small apple or cotton apple. It is the same as the western apple that is cultivated now. After the Tang and Song Dynasties, sand fruit, honey fruit, red apple and white apple have been planted in Guanzhong and Shaanxi folk courtyards in Shaanxi. At present, the sea otters produced in Shenmu, Fugu and other places in Shaanxi have a wide variety and are widely distributed, and some have not yet left the original state.

Tongguan sauce Bamboo Shoots

Shaoguan sauce bamboo shoots are specialties in Shaoguan County, Shaanxi Province. The "hardcore green bamboo shoots" produced by superior natural conditions are the ideal raw materials for the production of sauce bamboo shoots. The Shaoguan sauce bamboo shoots are famous for their crispy and fresh appearance, beautiful appearance, delicious sauce, and the best place to accompany the meal. It is known as the "10-mile fragrance". .

Pucheng Fireworks

“There is Liuyang in the south and Pucheng in the north”. Pucheng fireworks are famous in China and are the crystallization of wonderful art.

Daphnia daylily

Dayan daylily is a specialty of Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. The local growth conditions are very suitable for the growth of yellow flowers. The produced daylily oil has large oil, strong elasticity, pure and rich aroma, and rich in nutritive value.

Huaxian green onion

Huaxian green onion, mainly produced in Huaxian County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. The suitable growth environment has created a large onion, long and sloppy, tender and tender meat, sweet and spicy, and the flavor of the Huaxian green onion is rich in nutritional value and is very popular among consumers.

Liuqu sugar

Liuqu Qiongtang sugar, which is made by traditional craftsmanship, is made of high quality well water, millet, sesame and barley malt. It is steamed rice, saccharified, drenched, sugared, sugared, fried, mixed, shabu-shabu, mixed It is made by 12 manual processes such as compression molding and slicing. It has whitening and brightening, sweet and crispy taste, delicate taste, no slag, no lungs, nourishing and moisturizing, rich in nutrients, suitable for both young and old. It is one of Fuping's famous foods.

Fuping dried Persimmon

Fuping dried persimmons continue and develop traditional production techniques, using the traditionally produced persimmon variety “Fupingjian Persimmon” produced locally as raw material, refined through more than ten processes such as peeling, dislocation, softening, drying, tidal cream and plastic surgery. It is known for its quality, such as fat, meat and toughness, creamy white, bright and sweet, rich in cream, spleen and nutrient-rich. It has the pharmacological effects of moistening the lungs, nourishing blood and relieving cough. It is a rare and valuable food.

Fuping melon

Fuping Melon has a long history and is the birthplace of melon planting in Shaanxi Province. It has a long-standing reputation for its beautiful fruit shape, smooth white milk, sweet taste, crisp meat, fragrant scent, juicy juice, heat and heat, thirst and nutrition. According to the "Fuping County Records", "Fuping melon planting history is earlier. During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, there were commodities entering circulation, and the products were sold all over the Northwest, especially in Shaanxi."

Qiachuan Wusong

Qichuan black scorpion body color dark green, the belly gradually fades, the pattern is like python skin, the top of the head has seven-star-shaped markings, similar to the Chinese character "夔" shape. There are small black spots on the caudal fin. The dorsal and anal fins have black and white patterns. The maximum body length is more than 80 cm and weighs more than 10 kg. In recent years, the conservation of aquaculture in Qichuan and the development of scenic spots have complemented each other and complemented each other, making it not only a delicious food for many tourists, but also a unique cultural and historical landscape.

Huaying Shadow

The production of Huaying Pianying is very elaborate. It uses the finest cowhide and is hand-carved by more than 20 processes such as foaming, scraping, grinding, washing, pushing, engraving and coloring. The carving is mainly hollow, and the knife method adopts the method of pushing the skin. The shadow of the shadow is smooth and powerful, and it is unique in the country. It has a very high collection and ornamental value, which is called art treasures by domestic and foreign artists. In June 2006, Huaying Pianying was included in the “National First Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection List” by the Ministry of Culture. In 2008, Huazhou was named by the Ministry of Culture as “the hometown of Chinese shadows”.