wulumuqishi-midongqu food

Bread meat

The Uighur language is called “Tawakawa甫” and is a trendy snack variety. It is one of the famous flavors of Xinjiang. Use Xinjiang fresh lamb meat, maltose mixed with water and hot on the surface of the mutton. When it is golden brown, pour it into the colander and filter off the oil. Then add the scallion and ginger to the scallions and add the mutton and water and the grass and cinnamon and fragrant leaves. And rice wine and salt, after boiling, turn to low heat for about 1 hour until the meat is smashed. Put the sesame seeds in the dish and eat it. It is the best in the food.

Saute Spicy Chicken

Xinjiang Dapan Chicken, also known as Shawan Dapan Chicken, is a famous dish in Xinjiang. It originated in the late 1980s and was mainly made from chicken and potato pieces. Colorful, smooth and spicy chicken and soft and sweet potato, spicy and fragrant, rich in taste, is the best on the table.