yilihasakezizhizhou food

Saute Spicy Chicken

Xinjiang Dapan Chicken, also known as Shawan Dapan Chicken, is a famous dish in Xinjiang. It originated in the late 1980s and was mainly made from chicken and potato pieces. Colorful, smooth and spicy chicken and soft and sweet potato, spicy and fragrant, rich in taste, is the best on the table.

Boiled smoked horse meat

Smoked horse meat is a must in the Kazakh cuisine. The Kazakh language is called Soget, which is produced in the beautiful Ili prairie. It is made from Yili horse, which is known as Tianma. Beginning in the early winter, the Kazakh family will slaughter the animals for winter meat, pickled and dried for the winter, and the smoked meat is rich in flavor and storage. The bacon sold on the market is basically similar. Add some condiments, such as cumin, pepper, pepper, onion, etc., which can be cooked and steamed. Smoked horse sausage is the top grade in bacon. Yili is the most pure place in Xinjiang for the production of dried meat and horse intestines.