yulinshi1-yuyangqu specialty

Yulin Tofu

Yulin Tofu has a history of more than 400 years of production. It is produced in the Yuyang District of Yulin City, in the northern part of Shaanxi Province, at the junction of the Mu Us Desert and the Loess Plateau. The water quality is beautiful, the land is fertile, the sunshine is abundant, the four seasons are distinct, and the natural conditions are very suitable for black bean planting. The protein content of black beans produced is extremely high. Since ancient times, the people of Yulin have used local black beans and natural Yulin peach water as raw materials to produce their own unique local specialty foods through traditional sulphur pulping process. Yulin Tofu is processed through eight strict processes: drying, peeling, soaking beans, refining, filtering, pulping, and pressing. It can not be made in other places. It has bones and flesh, and the skin is thin and tender. With toughness, bullets and cracks, it has the characteristics of fresh, live, tender and fragrant.