yunlianxian-zhenzhouzhen specialty

Junlian Kuding Tea

Qilian Kuding Tea is produced in Qilian County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province. The shape is tight, the color is green, the soup is green and bright, the taste is slightly bitter, the leaves are green and bright, and the tea leaves are fresh and complete after brewing.

Yibin Liquor

In Yibin City, the sorghum sorghum, glutinous rice, rice, wheat, corn and other foods planted in the local and southern Sichuan areas are used as raw materials, and the high-quality river water, well water and mountain spring water in the Sanjiang River Basin are used in the natural microbial ecological circle of Yibin. Yibin traditional multi-grain production process brewing unique local liquor products. It is colorless or yellowish in color and appearance, clear and transparent, no suspended matter, no sedimentation; it has elegant multi-grain complex aroma with ethyl hexanoate as the main body; the wine is full-bodied, sweet and supple, and the aftertaste is cool. The net, the wine is comprehensive and the style is outstanding. The difference between the maximum physical and chemical characteristics of Yibin's multi-grain Luzhou-flavor liquor and Luzhou-flavor liquor in other places is that there is a high, naturally occurring, outstanding, ethyl hexanoate, which is a composite compound. This is Yibin. The unique personality of the origin of the Luzhou-flavored wine.

Junlian Black Tea

Qilian Black Tea has a strong aroma and long-lasting flavor, rich flavor and fresh alcohol, bright red and bright soup, and tender and even leaves. The shape is tight and the appearance is sharp and sharp, the velvet is exposed, the color is black, the shape is uniform, and the clarity is good. Features.

Qilian Yellow Cattle

"Qilian Yellow Cattle" is famous for its selenium-rich meat, delicious tea, fine slag, and compactness. Its meat is firm and tender, shiny, rose red, marble pattern is obvious, the surface is slightly dry or airy, the fat content is small, the content of glutamic acid and oleic acid, selenium is high, fresh and juicy, meaty and mellow, rich Natural tea.

Qilian Noodles

Qilian noodles are starch products processed with Qilian sweet potato powder as the main raw material. They are named after Qilian County and have a long history. The traditional craftsmanship produces Qilian noodles with bright color, uniform thickness and no silk. When cooking, it does not slip on the soup. It tastes green and refreshing, tastes delicious and has unique flavor.