zhengzhoushi food

Braised sea cucumber with Scallion

Onions and sea cucumbers should be a good match. Onion is also known as the grass, it is the Xin, the warmth of the matter, although the sea cucumber is rare, the physical properties are slightly cold, with the onion supplement, and the sea cucumber can show its merits. This dish seems to be simple, but it is very good. The sea cucumber rises better, reaching a soft, lubricated but toughness level. If it is too bad, it will be brittle. Then it is burning, the fire is enough, the soup is fire, the juice is thick, and the sea cucumber can taste. In addition, the onion should be used well, it must be green onions, the scallion of the inch section, fried yellow and fragrant, only have the taste to match the sea cucumber.

Bianjing Roast Duck

Yujing has a reputation as a water city in the north of the Yangtze River. Therefore, there is no shortage of duck dishes.汴京爊鸭, Song Dynasty is the famous dish of the city. The latter was cooked in the method of ash, and later evolved into a roasting of fruit trees and fires. The roast duck was replaced by roast ducks as the mainstream method for ducks. It was introduced to the north after the Northern Song Dynasty. Bianjing roast duck is popular for thousands of years without waste. The skin is tender and tender. It is served with lotus leaf cake, sweet noodle sauce, chrysanthemum onion and butterfly radish. It is a big meal with skeleton soup and mung bean noodles.

Yu-style Braised the Yellow River carp

The Yellow River is commonly known as the "copper head iron tail bean curd waist", the best yellow river carp from Zhengzhou to Kaifeng this "tofu waist". The Yellow River 鲤同鲤江 鲈鱼, Xingkai Lake fish, Songhua River carp are known as the four famous fish in China. The Yellow River scorpion, since ancient times, has the saying that "the fish eats its fish, the river must be", "Luo Yi Yi, expensive as a cow and sheep", and is the top food. The Yellow River otter is also a valuable fish resource in China because its meat is tender and delicious.

Fried eight

Xiangtang newspapers, more whispers. The lyrics of "a chicken with eight petals, sweet and tender and beautiful" is one of them. The eight-petaled chicken is called the eight-piece fried eight. This dish is made of four small cocks and two legs in the end of autumn. The chickens are evenly simmered in four pieces. After cooking with wine, salt, soy sauce and ginger juice, the oil is poured into the pot, and the fire is thoroughly tempered. It is crisp and tender outside. Serve with salt or spicy sauce, and refreshing. This dish is one of the four Henan dishes that Lu Xun loved to eat. The writer Yao Xueyu has the praise of “I like Henan's fried eight pieces and is fragrant and tender”.

Braised mutton with Scallion

The sheep is Xiang, historically aristocratic food. In the Song Dynasty, 72 stores in Yanjing used mutton as the main raw material. The mutton is warm and suitable for both young and old. This dish is made of cooked fat ribs, cut into strips, served with fried yellow onion, and Yulan slices on the pot, add high soup, and the ingredients are made with Zhongwu fire. After the juice is thick, turn into the pan. The soup simmers in the leeches, and the pepper oil is reduced from the pan and the sauce is made. The vegetables are soft and fragrant, and they are long and mellow.

Consommé with abalone

Abalone, also known as belly fish, cassia, meat is extremely fresh, is a treasure in the sea. In the Song Dynasty, there were many restaurants in the city, and the cassia was a masterpiece. The broth abalone, also known as broth and abalone, is processed into abalone slices, green beans and ham slices, which are placed in a sea bowl and rushed into the bowl with the broth of the ingredients. This dish is made with clear soup, the soup is mellow and the abalone is fresh and tender. It is a very tasty and long-lasting masterpiece. It can explain that Yuyu pays attention to making soup and using soup.

Braised broad belly

The Guangdu Tang Dynasty has become a tribute, and the Song Dynasty gradually entered the wine cellar. It has been a treasure for thousands of years. This dish is served in the dish, and the seven-point is in the hair. The best cooking is three-point. The hustle and bustle of the Henan cuisine is unique. For hundreds of years, “the leek has not been thickened, and it has become natural and sticky”, which has become the common standard and pursuit of kitchenrs and diners. As the head dish of the traditional high-end banquet, the glutinous rice belly is the embodiment of this standard and pursuit. This dish will be soft and white, and it will be spread on a bamboo pole and made with a good milk soup. The finished product is soft, tender, mellow and beautiful, and the soup is white and bright, so it is also known as white and wide belly.

Fried squid head

The head of fried squid is one of the representatives of Kaifeng traditional cuisine. It is also the traditional dish of Kaifeng, another new restaurant known as “the first authentic yin dish”. It has the reputation of “fantastic taste”. This dish was well-received in the Central Plains at the end of the Qing Dynasty. It was dominated by large squid, and the head and tail were used to put the knife on both ends. The fish scallions were rounded between the head and the tail. After the two sides of the pot are fried yellow, the bamboo shoots, mushrooms and onions are used as ingredients, and the pot is simmered with high soup and medium and small fire. The juice is thick and fishy, ​​and the color is red. The food is tender and tender, and the aroma is mellow.