Macao crispy pork

Macao crispy pork

Crispy pork, originally the main dish of traditional Christmas dinner in Northern Europe. So why is it called Macao pork? According to legend, in Macau, a Macao chef saw that foreigners made meat in a special way. They secretly learned it, but they were not allowed to scrutinize the meat, and they were reluctant to throw it, so they scraped the skin and the family. Sharing, the crisp and crisp taste was praised by the family. After being recognized, the chef researched and explored and produced the crispy pork, which was spread in Macao and even the Pearl River Delta, so it was called Macao.

Pork is rich in high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, and provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine ​​which promotes iron absorption. It can improve iron deficiency anemia. It has nourishing kidney and nourishing blood. The effect of moistening dryness; pig meat is rich in high-quality protein, less fat and cholesterol than other parts of pork, suitable for most people.