Sweet Potato in Hot Toffee

Sweet Potato in Hot Toffee

The sweet potato, the English name is The hot candied sweet potatoes, which not only represents the thick history of China's five thousand years, but also the crystallization of human wisdom. It has the status of four major inventions in China in different ages in the Northeast. Candied sweet potatoes have a significant significance in the Northeast dinner table. In the northeast, the dinner started with a variety of wine-professional appetizers such as big salad, preserved egg tofu, and nut spinach, but the final "big general" only had sweet potatoes.

Wire drawing refers to the process of forming sugar into a sugar liquid that can be pulled out of the silk. The method of forming a dish wrapped in fried food is also called drawing. It is mainly used to make beets. The color is light yellow and slightly bright, and the sweet cotton is palatable. The Northeast dinner is famous for a long time. As the finale of the banquet, it is not the end of the whole banquet, but the climax of the whole meal. At such an important moment, you must have a cup of sweet potato to help you. The crisp and sweet inside is not the standard for judging the quality of a sweet potato. If you pull the sweet potato in the northeast, if it is less than three meters, it will not work.