Soup of surf clam shell

Soup of surf clam shell

氽西施舌, Shandong traditional famous dish. The rut and the sand carp are also known as Xi Shi Tong. They are produced in the coastal area of ​​Jiaonan and Rizhao. The meat is white and tender, tongue-like, nutritious and delicious. It is a seafood-like product. It can be used as a variety of dishes. As the main ingredient, the cilantro stalk and the indigo are used as ingredients. The seasonings include refined salt, vinegar, cooking wine, clear soup, pepper noodles and chicken oil.

Xi Shi Tong is a rare cooking material in the coastal area of ​​Jiaodong. It is distributed in Sanshan Island, Haiyang County, Qingdao Laoshan, Weifang Zhucheng and Rizhao. Every year, the peach blossom shrimp net boat can catch a certain amount, but the output is not high. According to legend, when Emperor Xuanzong Li Longji traveled to the mountains in the east, he ordered people to cook seafood dishes, so the chef made a soup with the local sea bream. After Xuanzong's food, the taste of the pure and pure makes it slap the case, and the name is given to the West. Although this is a legend, cooking soup with Xi Shi tongue has been recorded in history. Lu Benzhong, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty who is known as Mr. Dong Lai, wrote a poem saying "The fish are not known at sea, a piece of life is worth a cup of sorrow. Nothing is more like Xi Shi Tong, and children are lyrical." This dish is based on the net west tongue meat, with coriander stems and indigo as ingredients. The seasonings include refined salt, vinegar, cooking wine, clear soup, pepper noodles and chicken oil. The method of preparation: Wash the Xi Shi tongue meat with boiling water, remove it and put it into the soup bowl, then use the net spoon to boil the clear soup, salt, and cooking wine, go to the floating foam, pour it into the soup bowl of Shengxi Shi Tong meat, sprinkle On top of the parsley and the simmered simmer, add the chicken oil and serve. Nowadays, “the tongue is applied to the West”, not only the formula has been improved, but also the production method is more chic. That is to say, the net west tongue meat is cut in half, and the coriander stems and the indigo are cut into fine pieces, respectively, and served together with pepper noodles and vinegar; then the soup is boiled in a hot pot (one per person). Add the right amount of salt, cooking wine and chicken oil to the guests. The eateres each hold an empty bowl, and use the chopsticks to sandwich the Western-style tongue slices in the soup, and then eat with them. After eating the meat, boil the coriander and the simmered simmer in the pot and drink the soup. The meat tender soup is fresh and has no flavor. Because it resembles "涮 mutton", it is also called "涮西施舌".