Reunion lily

Reunion lily

Lanzhou lily, the scales are tight, the color is white as jade, large, fleshy, delicate, less fiber, sweet and fragrant, rich in starch, protein and multivitamins. Its quality is the highest in the country and is well known both at home and abroad. The ancients regarded lily as the meaning of Pepsi. Lily is flat and sweet, has lungs, cough and stomach, calms the mind, promotes blood circulation, clears heat and diuretic effect, especially for bronchitis and tuberculosis, so it has the reputation of "good food and good medicine". Dumplings are traditional Chinese cuisine. Reunion lily is a dumpling with lily filling, squeezed carrot juice and noodles, dumplings with lily pork stuffing, and the dumplings are connected end to end, and they are rounded into a round zygote. It is a bit like a lily, meaning a round and round, and Pepsi agrees. .