Wenchang Chicken

Wenchang Chicken

Wenchang Chicken - known as "the first of the four famous dishes in Hainan." Named after Wenchang, it is fed with peanut cake, copra, sweet potato, hot rice and other fertilizers. Shiwenchang chicken is mainly white, with yellow and crisp skin, tender and beautiful meat, crisp and fresh bones. It is a famous dish in China and abroad. According to legend, Wenchang Chicken was originally from Tianci Village, Tanniu Town, the city. There is also an allusion about the origin of Wenchang Chicken. According to legend, in the Ming Dynasty, there was a Wenchang person who was an official in the DPRK. When he returned to Beijing, he brought a few Wenchang chickens to the emperor to taste. After the tasting, the emperor praised: "Chicken is the hometown of culture, the people are outstanding, the culture is prosperous, the chicken is sweet, and the chicken is also Wenchang chicken!" Wenchang chicken is named after it, and it is famous all over the world. Because the chicken of the village is given the name of the emperor, the village is glory, and the village is named Tianci Village. The earliest chicken raiser in Tianci Village is named Cai, so Wenchang Chicken is also known as Cai's Chicken.

In Hainan, there is a saying that "there is no Wenchang chicken not a seat." Hainanese eat Wenchang chicken. The traditional method of eating is white peony (also called “white cut”). It is one of the best edible chicken breeds in China, and it can best reflect the fresh and tender original flavor of Wenchang chicken. If you put a piece of golden chicken in your mouth, you will blurt out the words "Hold!" with chicken oil, chicken soup cooked rice, commonly known as "chicken rice." Baiyu Wenchang Chicken is used in Hainan for banquets, light meals or family dishes. It is highly regarded in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia and is well-known.