Napa Western Restaurant

Napa is a western restaurant which has been operating for 12 years. When it comes to the strong wine list, it is one of the best. From the beginning of Jiangyin road to now the Bund No.22, large French windows are facing the Bund at night, and the dining experience is very wonderful. Francesco, a Chilean chef who specializes in wine pairing and once worked in a famous Spanish molecular restaurant, integrates his understanding of Chinese and Western food into his dishes, which is full of surprise and creativity.

In the Bund complex, Bund 22, known as the "century red building", was built in 1906. Its predecessor was the Far East Office of British Pacific house. It was constructed with Chinese and Western brick and wood, with Baroque, Victoria and other architectural elements. The facade of the outer wall adopts red brick wall, and the interior has an empty atrium, and marble is the main building material. In 2012, after careful carving and proper maintenance, the Bund No.22 was rejuvenated. Under the operation of Ms. Li Yulin, the founder of "Yonghe King", high-end customization and designer shops have settled in one after another. In addition, with the more mature fashion shows and art exhibitions in recent years, the old buildings "gorgeous transformation" have become the fashion and luxury landmark along the Bund. The restaurants in the restaurant are also of high quality. According to the review data of seven restaurants at present, one restaurant has four stars, two restaurants have four and a half stars, and four restaurants have five stars. However, in the building evaluation at the end of last year, the settlement phenomenon of "high in the West and low in the East, high in the South and low in the north" was found in the building evaluation at the end of last year. For the sake of safety, the Bund No.22 "needs to take immediate measures" - on March 12, El Willy disclosed on official wechat that "all tenants are required to evacuate from March 14 (Saturday) for comprehensive renovation"; as a stable family, the settlement of the Bund No.22 is relatively high Napa, an old and healthy restaurant, has just been renovated in 2019. In June, Napa made a brand-new appearance and carefully built the underground wine cellar. The restaurant publicly said: "it just closed in April last year, and spent more than 4.5 million yuan to provide a new and high-quality dining environment. Now it"s almost impossible for us to say goodbye to our 20 million dollar restaurant cellar in such a short period of time, and to complete the transportation of all the stored wine. " The "White Valentine"s Day package" designed by the restaurant for (March 14, 2020) has been released, but before the press release, the restaurant said "White Valentine"s day should not be done It will be closed temporarily after tonight, and it will open again after that. "