Fushan noodles

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Fukuyama Noodle is one of the three flavored noodles in Yantai. It is famous for its traditional flavor in Shandong. It is also known as the “Four Great Noodles” in China with Lanzhou Ramen, Beijing Noodles and Shanxi Noodles. As the mainstay of Lu cuisine, Fushan Daping plays an important role in the development of Shandong cuisine.

The history of Fushan has a long history, but in the end it stems from the fashion to be further researched. It is said that the Fukuyama noodle was first used in a sand pottery bowl soaked in sesame oil. In the Ming Dynasty, Cheng Minzheng wrote in the poem "Pasta": "Fu Jia noodle food, the system is from East Shandong. The beauty is sweet and crisp, and a spoonful of entrances and hearts." "Fukuyama Prefecture" records, located in Fushan City The "Jisheng Pavilion" in Dongmenli is famous for operating Fushan. Fushan Dafang has been introduced to Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Dalian for its unique features. The raw material used in the traditional Fukuyama noodle is the local “big bowstring wheat”, which is ground into a flour with stone. The production of large noodles includes the processes of dough, slip, strip, pot, and brine. The strip includes two methods: “swinging” and “smashing”. The "sluggish" method is to apply the two arms and the wrist force to the good dough, and then twist the dough, then twist, stack, smash, and then take out the strip; the "smashing" method is to put the good dough on the chopping board repeatedly. Beat, stack, smash, and then take out. After the noodles are formed, they can be divided into more than 20 kinds of strips, such as strips, lamp turf, willow strips, flat strips, leeks, mung bean strips, shaving strips, fine strips, one pot of silk, large strips, hollow strips, triangle strips, etc. shape. kind.