Bubble Oil Cake (Sanyuan County)

Bubble Oil Cake is a well-known traditional Han Chinese snack in Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province. Its origins can be traced back to the name of “Wangfengxiao” oil cake in the Wei Dynasty. The bubble oil cake is a hot noodle and then wrapped in a yellow cinnamon sugar filling. It is called a bubble oil cake because of the bulging foam on the cake surface. Stuffing is made with white sugar, yellow laurel, rose, peach kernel, and cooked noodles; the noodles are made with hot noodles.

It is said that the original was the Imperial Dim Sum, "Anshi's chaos", there is a chef who made this cake to the Sanyuan County north of Xi'an. In order to make a living, we started the business of making and selling bubble oil cakes. The craft has been introduced to the people since then, and it has become a delicious dish from generation to generation in Sanyuan County. During the Qing Dynasty, some Sanyuan people who mastered the technology of making oil cakes went to Xi'an to make a living, so that the bubble oil cake was passed to Xi'an, and it was famous. It is characterized by golden color and loose skin, such as light gauze and flaps. Ingredients: flour, lard, white sugar, yellow cinnamon sauce, cooked flour, the right amount. Production methods: 1, take the water into the pot to boil, add lard, pour the flour into the cauldron, use a small fire to mix the oil dough with the mature dough, put it on the case, let cool, add cold water Repeatedly knead into a soft dough, which becomes an ironing surface. 2, white sugar, yellow cinnamon, walnuts, cooked flour, etc. made of yellow cinnamon sugar filling. 3, the hot noodles into a noodle agent, hand-made into a piece, enlarge the yellow cinnamon sugar filling, into a cake blank. 4, after the bombing, the cake surface appears as thin as a flap, white as a frosty layer of foam, like a flower bloom, it seems to disappear, the entrance is instant, soft and mellow, fragrant and fragrant. Production requirements: Bubble oil cake is made of raw materials such as hot water, big oil, yellow laurel, sugar filling, etc. The production method is unique and refined. Bubble oil cake color white, skin Peng. The bubble oil cake is loose, just like a light gauze weaving, the flaps are made, it can be described as a skillful work. The reason why it is favored by people is mainly because its production method is unique. The oil cake is fried at the fastest speed before eating. If it is cold, the good-looking seersucker will be smashed, and the sugar filling will become hard and seriously affect the taste. Eat bubble oil cake, not urgent. Sexually urgency, bite a bite and swallow, easy to burn the heart. The sugar stuffing overflowed the arm to the elbow, and the elbow was tied with the tongue. The sugar filling in the hand of the oil cake dripped again, and the heart was hot. Bubble oil cake is said to have been the palace dim sum, "An Shizhi chaos", there is a chef who made this cake to the Sanyuan County north of Xi'an. In order to make a living, we started the business of making and selling bubble oil cakes. The craft has been introduced to the people since then, and it has become a delicious dish from generation to generation in Sanyuan County. During the Qing Dynasty, some Sanyuan people who mastered the technology of making oil cakes went to Xi'an to make a living, so that the bubble oil cake was passed to Xi'an, and it was famous.