Ping Pong Rice Cake

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Jieyang Ping Pong is a unique folk snack in the Chaoshan area, which can be seen in all parts of the Chaoshan area. However, historically, it originated from Jieyang County, and it is the most popular and most popular in Jieyang Ping Pong. It has its own characteristics, so over time, Jieyang Ping Pong has become a famous local snack. Jieyang Ping Pong has two flavors of sweet and salty. It is made from raw materials such as rat shell grass, glutinous rice flour, betel nut bran, scallion, white sugar, orange cake, sesame and dried tangerine peel. The embryo is clear, soft and soft, and the filling is sweet, fragrant and brittle. It has beautiful appearance, bright color and unique flavor. It is well-known at home and abroad. It is an outstanding representative of Jieyang traditional food and an important part of Chaoshan culture.

Jieyang Ping Pong has been circulating in the folk for a long time. At the earliest, it evolved from the Chaozhou famous small rat. Rat Qufu is in the Chaoshan area. At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Jieyang County was able to avoid war and hunger, and it was made into a squid with squirrels mixed with glutinous rice. Due to the scent of rat grass, this product is very popular, and then betel nut is used as a betel nut. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was famous in Chaozhou and passed down overseas. In the late Qing Dynasty, there was a master named Li in the south gate of Jieyang County, which specializes in betel nut. He not only maintains the original flavor characteristics, but also prints the pattern on the fake goods with the wooden mold and the bottom of the tofu film. A thin layer of peanut oil is applied to make betel nuts more popular. In the early 1950s, when foreigners bought betel nuts in Jieyang, they mourned for the ping pong. The original ping pong 粿 was originally called betel nut... ping pong 粿 traditional method, the suede should use the finest glutinous rice flour, plus the right amount of peanut oil, after repeated mixing into a thick mud; Plus cooked sugar, peanuts, sesame, orange cake and so on. When making, first take a small piece of raw material, knead it into a round piece, put in a proper amount of stuffing, knead it into a round shape, then print the pattern with a wooden mold or a ceramic mold, use the tofu film as the bottom, and steam it to dry. After that, the ping-pong plaque has the advantage of being soft and soft, and the inside is crispy and sweet. When you eat, you usually need to steam it again, and fry it with a thick simmer, so that the skin is soft.