Qionghai Pingan Zongzi (Glutinous Rice Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves)

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    Qionghai farm kitchen tastes good
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    Top Ten Famous Snacks in China (Hainan)

He is a kind of food for the relatives and friends of Wenchang folk, which represents good luck. You may have heard of Taiwanese rice balls, Japanese rice balls, and you are the Hainan rice ball. Use the washed coconut leaves or cilantro leaves to weave the clam shell, then fill the clam shell with the sautéed coconut, shrimp, turmeric, garlic, oil and spices, then put the clams in the pot with water. Cooked, rectangular shaped like a small pillow.

What is it? Everyone feels very strange, even the locals in Hainan have heard less, but they have turned into the Hainan dialect "lap". Did you suddenly realize that this is the case? Its reading is similar to the pronunciation of English "love", and the homonym of "Liang" in Cantonese. Folks are circulating because the Singapore dollar is used in Hainan dialect, and it is impossible to check it. The shape of the scorpion is similar to that of the scorpion and is pillow-shaped. As a traditional food, it has good wishes for good fortune and peace. Wenchang and Qionghai are famous hometowns of overseas Chinese. Earlier, when overseas Chinese returned to their hometowns, relatives and friends would bring you to visit and congratulate. Because overseas Chinese are working hard and earning a lot of money to go home to benefit the villagers, so Sending a donkey also wishes them to be richer, smooth and peaceful. Later, this meaning extends to a wider range. When new homes enter the house, build stoves, birthdays, weddings, and worship the ancestors in the next year, they will present inconsistencies, praying for living and working in peace, disaster relief and bad luck. The traditional method of sputum is simple. The rice is washed and dried first. In the process of using oil, garlic, ginger and sautéed pot, add the shrimp and saute, then add rice to stir-fried until half-cooked, then add to the wild pineapple. Leaves or coconut leaves woven into the shell (about 2/3 of the shell), finally put into the pot and cooked with water, the shell is swollen and full, with a little oily taste, with a little leafy fragrance, very Delicious, smelling can be full. There are two kinds of cockroaches, one is pure white rice, the other is the addition of meat, shrimp and other fillings. Because life is getting better now, people will add egg yolks and pork belly to the rice grains to enrich the taste buds. The Wenchang area is dominated by the former, while the Qionghai area is both existed. The cooked oysters are generally about half a catty. In order to reduce weight and carry it easily, people made small cockroaches, the weight of one person to eat, some are triangles, some are diamonds; children are not willing to eat, so the duck-shaped cockroaches come out, while amused children You can eat, but no matter what shape you are knitting, you must keep the crotch leaves when you make the clam shell. Although this is just a simple taste of the tongue, but in the hands of simple villagers, can change different patterns, but the meaning is always the same.