Qufu smoked tofu

Qufu smoked tofu is also known as "Kongfu smoked tofu." Qufu smoked tofu is well-known in China and abroad, and it is a traditional snack with unique flavor in Shandong. It has a unique taste, cold, stir-fried, stewed, boiled, and served as a table. Qufu smoked tofu is well-known both at home and abroad. It is not only a local traditional snack, but also one of the famous dishes in the Confucius Banquet. It has been developed for hundreds of years, because the Emperor Qianlong tasted it. Appreciation and reputation increased. Qufu smoked tofu can be cold-boiled or stewed. The smoked tofu and meat pieces are placed in a wok, and the water is not covered. After being stewed with chili, fennel, pepper, cinnamon, etc., it is very delicious.

Regarding the origin of smoked tofu, there is a folk saying: In the old days, there were many tenants in Confucius. Among them, a tofu family surnamed Han lived in the northeastern Shuyuan Village of Qufu City. His family had given tofu to Tofu. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the brothers of the Han family sent a tofu to Confucius every day. During the three-year period, he encountered a cloudy day. The tofu made by Han and Er was not sold out. He was afraid of being smashed. He cut the tofu into many small pieces and placed it on the straw curtain. Who knows that his family accidentally caught fire, and the curtain of the dried tofu was burned. Because of the yin and the curtains were wet, some of the tofu pieces were baked and some were smoked brown. Han Lao Er was reluctant to throw away these tofu, and then took some of it and cooked it in salt water. It tasted quite good. So he sent some of this tofu to Confucius and let Yan Shenggong taste it. Yan Shenggong asked the chef to put cinnamon, pepper, chili powder and other ingredients when stewing the tofu. After the tofu was stewed, it tasted very good. Since then, Han Lao Er has specially produced and presented smoked tofu to Confucius, and smoked tofu has become a delicious dish in Confucius. Legend has it that one year the Emperor Qianlong came to Qufu, and Confucius had a tofu banquet to entertain the emperor, including a smoked tofu. The emperor ate very delicious and greatly appreciated. Later, the practice of smoked tofu gradually spread throughout the country and became a unique local snack.