Shandong Pancake

官方店铺 立即购买 ¥8.4元

Shandong Pancake is a traditional and special cuisine of folks in northern China. It is a local specialty of Tai'an in Shandong. It originated from Taishan and has been supplied by the court for generations. It has a long history and no test in the era of creation. The Ming Dynasty has become a commonplace. The high quality corn, millet, walnut kernel, sesame and white sugar are mixed scientifically, without any pigments and additives, and are made by traditional techniques. The pancakes are fragrant and delicious, with a strong local flavor.

Pancakes are traditional home-cooked foods from the Tai'an area and are also famous souvenirs. When General Feng Yuxiang went to Taishan in 1935, he used Taian pancakes as a gift for his friends. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, when the Huangchao Uprising Army was active in the Taishan area, the local people had supplied pancakes to the insurgents. When the old Fan family in Dongyanglou Village of Taicheng City dismantled the ancient billet wall in 1967, they found a “separate list” during the Ming Dynasty. There were records of “a plate of scorpions and twenty-three pounds of pancakes”. Modern Taian pancakes not only have the distinction of sweet pancakes, sour pancakes and semi-fermented half-butter pancakes, but also add a series of local specialty products.