Wanning Houan rice noodles

Houan powder is one of Hainan's famous snacks. The main raw materials are pork bone, powder sausage, large intestine and pig internal organs. After the name of the powder, it is produced in the post-Wan of Wanning, named after the place name of Hou'an Town. Hou'an Town is a small town with few people, but the whole town is almost full of Hou'an powder shop, and the fragrance of this post-Ami powder is everywhere.

The production of Houan powder soup base is simply made up of pork bone, powder sausage, large intestine, pig internal organs, etc. The ingredients are shrimp, conch and so on. However, the specific formula, the owner will not tell you, each family has the taste of each family, the ancestral secret recipes will be kept by themselves. After the fine powder, take the local specialty high-quality canmy rice and grind it into rice noodles with hand-made stone. After turning into a paste, use a steaming pan to boil it into a white and tender powder. With the soup base and vermicelli, the basic powder is finished. Add the noodles and chopped green onion, add a soil egg, match the pork belly, large intestine, small intestine, etc., and then inject the hot and fragrant Houan soup, and make a bowl of thousands of miles of fragrant after the powder is made. Guaranteed to let you linger, eat and want to eat, the average diners will completely "absorb" the soup base, the soup, because it is really delicious.