Emma Potato

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When mentioning Nanmulin County in Shigatse, most people first think of "Emma Potatoes". Nanmulin County “Emma Potatoes” has a long history of planting and is well-known in the region with the characteristics of “big, thin and good taste”. In 2003, he obtained the National Spark Program Certificate and Trademark Registration Certificate; in 2004, the county's potato planting base, Emmagang, was promoted by the China Consumers Association as a “green food production base”. Emma potatoes are cultivated by pollution-free plants. They have the characteristics of large size, thin skin and high starch content. They have good palatability and are well-known in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Labu Village is one of the main potato producing areas in Emma Township. It is located on the north bank of the Yarlung Zangbo River. It is sandy soil with sufficient water source and relatively good climatic conditions. It is suitable for potato planting. With the support of various preferential policies of the country and the help of the county agricultural technology promotion station, Labu Village fully utilized the advantageous resources of “Emma Potatoes”, actively carried out the construction of “one village and one product”, expanded the potato planting area, and The industrial operation mode of the potato broker + farmer has joined the Emma Township Potato Sales Association and the Emmagang Potato Marketing Professional Cooperative to standardize the business model. Emma Potato Plantation The strong Bawangdui family of the 4th generation of Rabu Village relied on planting potatoes to make the whole family embark on the road to poverty alleviation. Whenever the first bucket of gold was issued, the whole family would say in unison: "This is the credit of ‘Emma Potatoes.'” The old wasteland and barren dam are now tree-lined and the canals are criss-crossed. Looking at the potato flower on the banks of the Xianghe River, Qiang Bawangdui happily told us: "This year is another good harvest year." "Before, the potatoes we brought in have become the 'golden beans in everyone's bowl." Bean', it is impossible to imagine!" Qiang Bawangdui said, "These river beaches are not suitable for planting green barley, and potatoes have become our rations." In the early 1990s, Nanmulin County began to treat potatoes as county priorities. Development of the industry for development, and Emma Township with better planting conditions has become a development point. The strong Pakistani family joined the potato planting army. "We are only responsible for planting potatoes. We do not need to worry about sales. The county government has signed a contract with the company and the company has acquired it. Now we have also established a potato marketing professional cooperative." Qiang Bawangdui said. “Golden Beans” In 2008, Nanmulin County established a base of 5,400 acres of potato standardized production in the three villages of Shanba, Xiayan and Labu in Emma Township. With the demonstration and promotion of technologies such as large-scale and standardized planting and potato formula fertilization technology, the benefits of “Emma Potatoes” have increased year by year, and the income of Qiangwanwangjia has become higher and higher. With the first bucket of gold, the quick-thinking Qiang Bongdui bought a large truck, specializing in running potatoes, and the household income increased linearly. In 2006, the family spent more than 400,000 yuan to build a new house. At present, there are two large trucks in the home of Qiang Bawang, which specialize in potato transportation, and the family continues to grow potatoes.

Emma potato quality technical requirements First, the variety Emma Jiazhuo, Qingshu No. 9. 2. Site conditions The soil type is cultivated meadow soil, the soil texture is sandy loam soil, and the soil pH value is 5.8. The thickness of the plough layer is ≥ 40 cm. Third, cultivation techniques 1. Rotation: 3 to 5 years of rotation with bean crops. 2. Seed potato: The weight of the potato tubing for reproduction is ≥25g, including 1 to 2 strong buds. 3. Sowing: The sowing period is from April 20 to mid-May. The seeding density is ≤67,500 plants per hectare. 4. Fertilization: ≥30 tons of high-quality organic fertilizer per hectare per year. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 4. Harvesting from late September to early 10th, when most of the stems and leaves of the plant turn yellow, the tubers stop expanding, and the stems are shrinking and easy to be harvested when the tubers are separated. V. Quality Features 1. Sensory characteristics: The potato shape is well-balanced, and the single potato weighs 90 grams to 200 grams. The cooked food has a sandy, fragrant, non-spicy feeling. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: project index water (g/100g) ≤72.5 starch (g/100g) ≥203. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

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Producers within the Emma potato production area may apply to the Shigatse Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the Tibet Autonomous Region for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the Tibet Autonomous Region and reported to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. The testing organization of Emma Potato is selected by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region in the testing institutions that meet the qualification requirements.