Cangshan Garlic

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Cangshan Garlic is produced in Lanling County, Linyi City, Shandong Province (formerly Cangshan County), and has been planted for more than a thousand years. It is a unique species of Lanling formed by long-term natural selection and artificial directional cultivation under the specific ecological environment conditions of Lanling County. It is one of the traditional vegetables in Shandong Province and is a high-quality garlic exported from China.

Garlic is a favorite food for many people, because garlic has excellent health effects on the human body, especially when eating dumplings, buns or meat, with a plate of garlic, it is definitely an appetizing and refreshing, because there is a sentence Speaking: Eat meat without garlic, and reduce nutrition by half. If the quality of garlic is compared in China, then Cangshan Garlic produced in Lanling County, Shandong Province is a leader. Cangshan Garlic is also known as “the world's first garlic” and is a national geographical indication protection product. Here is a brief introduction to Cangshan Garlic, which is famous both at home and abroad. Cangshan Garlic is produced in Lanling County, Linyi City, Shandong Province (formerly Cangshan County), and has been planted for more than a thousand years. It is a unique species of Lanling formed by long-term natural selection and artificial directional cultivation under the specific ecological environment conditions of Lanling County. It is one of the traditional vegetables in Shandong Province and is a high-quality garlic exported from China. First, Cangshan garlic planting history Cangshan garlic, also known as glutinous or chopped garlic. According to the Eastern Han Dynasty Cui Shi, "Dongguan Han Ji" contains: "Li Wei, for the history of Zhangzhou, the wheat, garlic, and paid for the work, no place to stay." From this, the garlic was settled in Shandong. Lanling planted garlic after the Western Han Dynasty. The Eastern Han Dynasty Cui Shi, "Dongguan Han Ji" contains: "Li Wei, for the history of Zhangzhou, the planting of wheat, garlic, and paying for the work, nothing to stay." According to "Han Han Shu", Li Weiyuan Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor (AD 76 -88 years) People of the times, from the northwest to Shandong, as the thorn history, brought in some of the garlic seeds, planted in the backyard of the government, harvested and distributed to the subordinates. It can be imagined that during the Eastern Han Dynasty, Shandong was generally known as small garlic, and garlic was still a rare species. Because garlic has a higher yield than garlic, garlic is big, and tastes good, it began to grow in the vicinity of Chenzhou, and then gradually expanded and expanded, involving Jining, Jiaxiang, Tai'an and other places, and then led to Lanling.

Cangshan garlic quality technical requirements (a) varieties. Pu. (2) Site conditions. The soil type is sandy loam, loam or shajiang black soil. The terrain is relatively flat, the groundwater level is low, the soil pH is 7.0 to 8.0, and the organic matter content is ≥1.0%. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Selection: Select the seed that meets the characteristics of this variety, is well developed, has no quarantine pests and diseases, mechanical damage, and even size of garlic. 2. Fertilization: Apply ≥ 4,500 kg of fully decomposed organic fertilizer per 667 m2 (mu), 40 kg to 60 kg of superphosphate, 50 kg to 60 kg of potassium fertilizer, and 80 kg to 120 kg of decomposed cottonseed cake or bean cake. 3. Sowing: Sowing from late September to early October, the planting density is ≤35,000 per 667 m2 (mu). 4. Field management: timely watering the winter water and returning to the green water; the garlic stalk elongation period and the bud bud expansion period should keep the soil moist and timely topdressing. (4) Harvesting and storage. 1. Harvest: The garlic leaves are withered and the pseudo stems become soft and can be harvested. 2. Storage: After harvesting the garlic, dry it on the spot and wait until the garlic stalks are dry before stacking. Pay attention to rain. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: white skin, large uniformity, diameter ≥ 4.5cm. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: allicin content ≥0.079%, potassium content ≥520mg/100g, total amino acid content ≥5.0%.

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Producers within the protection scope of Cangshan Garlic Geographical Indication Products may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Cangshan County, Shandong Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.