Guanling Dragon Fruit

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In 2016, Guanling Dragon Fruit was protected by the National Geographical Indications Product. It is popular among consumers because of its shape like fireball, fleshy purple, and juicy and sweet. Guanling Red Heart Dragon Fruit has a sugar content of more than 15 degrees, and the taste is sweet and not greasy.

In the summer, the red heart dragon fruit in Bangui Township of Guanling Autonomous County was maturely listed, with an output of more than 500 kilograms per mu, and 20 yuan per kilogram for sale, which has produced good benefits and achieved remarkable results. The red meat dragon fruit is beautiful, sweet and delicious. It contains a variety of amino acids, vitamins and essential sugars. It is rich in nutrients. Red meat dragon fruit has superior quality compared to other varieties of dragon fruit on the market. Pitaya is a tropical and subtropical fruit, which is light and shade-tolerant, heat-tolerant and drought-tolerant, and fertile and resistant. It grows rapidly in warm, humid, and well-lit environment. When planting in open field in spring and summer, it should be watered more, so that its roots maintain a strong growth state. In the rainy and continuous weather, it should be drained in time to avoid the infection of bacteria to cause stem meat to rot. Its stems can also grow on rocks, and the plants are extremely resistant to wind, as long as the brackets are strong against typhoons. Pitaya is resistant to low temperatures of 0 ° C and high temperatures of 40 ° C. The optimum temperature for growth is 25-35 ° C. Pitaya can adapt to a variety of soils, but it is better to have neutral soil and weakly acidic soil with more humus and water and fertilizer. Origin of Central America in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Ecuador, Cuba, Colombia and other places. Later, it was introduced to Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand, and Taiwan Province of China, Hainan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan, and Guizhou Guanling provinces in mainland China. More than 20 years ago, in the Plateau area of ​​Guanling Autonomous County, the soil layer was barren and the rocky desertification was serious. Nearly three-quarters of the land had a rocky desertification degree of more than 80%. It is a typical karst landform. It used to be the Guizhou Province and even the national stone. A typical example of desertification is particularly serious. There is no “three no zones” with no industry, no development and no economy. However, the people of Bangui are not willing to lag behind, self-reliance and perseverance, creating opportunities for development in the cracks of the stone, turning "impossible" into "possible". The young and the old went into battle, opened the mountain and fried the stone, used his own hands to move the stone, and sorted out a small piece of land today, and planted dragon fruit and pepper, and finally opened a beautiful flower in the stone. The living environment has achieved economic revitalization. In April 1999, when Wen Jiabao, then vice premier of the State Council, came to inspect the work, he highly praised it and called it "the spirit of the board."

Guanling Dragon Fruit Quality Technical Requirements 1. Variety of red meat varieties adapted to local natural conditions. Second, the site conditions are ≤ 650m above sea level, soil texture sandy soil, pH 5.5 to 7.5, soil organic matter content ≥1.5%, soil layer thickness ≥30cm. Third, cultivation management 1, breeding methods: cutting propagation 2, planting time: from March to November planting. 3. Planting density: ≤5000 plants per hectare. 4. Fertilization: The annual application of decomposed organic fertilizer is ≥33.3 tons/ha. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. Fourth, the harvested fruit will be red for 5 days to 7 days. Five, quality characteristics 1, sensory characteristics: the fruit is round, the skin is bright red to light red; fleshy purple, juicy and sweet. 2, physical and chemical indicators: pulp anthocyanin ≥ 3.5mg / g, soluble solids ≥ 12.0%, titratable acid ≤ 2.5mmol / 100g, single fruit weight 300g to 500g. 3. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

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Producers within the scope of Guanling Huolong Fruit Production may submit an application to the Guanling County Market Supervision Administration for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and announced to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. The inspection agency of Guanling Dragon Fruit is selected by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in the inspection institutions that meet the qualification requirements.