Lingyuan Blueberry

Blueberry has a high health value and is one of the top five healthy fruits recommended by the World Food Organization. The anthocyanin content of blueberries is the highest among all fruits and vegetables. The most abundant part of anthocyanins in blueberries is its unique purple peel. Lingyuan blueberry peel is blue-purple, with a layer of white fruit powder on the outside. The flesh is delicate, the fruit is rich, the taste is excellent, and the nutrition is rich. It is known as the “fruit of beauty” and has the reputation of “fruit queen”.

Lingyuan Blueberry is a specialty of Lingyuan City, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. Lingyuan Hongda Yuetiao Agricultural Science and Technology Ecological Park has become the country's largest anti-season blueberry production base. Lingyuan Blueberry is protected by geographical indications. According to the "Lingyuan County Records", during the Qianlong period, there was a history of wild blueberry growth on the Huangchuan Mountain in Wafangdian Township, Tazigou (now Lingyuan City). Local people also call this fruit "blue plum fruit." Because it is produced in Lingyuan, it is habitually called “Lingyuan Blueberry”. Blueberry is native to North America and East Asia. There is also a legendary story about the origin of this name. According to legend, in the United States a long time ago, many people suffered from terrible "sepsis" due to the long-term lack of fresh fruits and vegetables. Just when they were desperate and did not know how to heal, the local Indians gave them a small blue fruit, and these seemingly inconspicuous little blue fruits actually cured their disease. Since then, the United States People named the small blue fruit that saved their lives as blueberry. In 2011, with the establishment of reform and opening up and market economy, Lingyuan City vigorously promoted “company + base + in the process of agricultural industrialization”. The “farmers” industry model was funded by Chaoyang Hongda Enterprise Group. With its subsidiary Liaoning Hongda Yueniu Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. as its leader, it cooperated with five agricultural colleges in China to form a team of experts. Lingyuan City) is a wild small shrub blueberry for screening, using tissue culture to breed fast, can maintain the characteristics of the variety, has the technology of detoxification, and is world famous. Mountain culture "hometown, Lingyuan City Wafangdian, fostered high-quality high-grade fruit" Lingyuan blueberries. "

Lingyuan Blueberry Quality Technical Requirements 1. Variety "Bilberry", "Hokuba", "Hi Lai". Second, the site conditions The altitude range is 450m to 1150m, the soil type is sandy loam, the soil thickness is ≥30cm, the organic matter content is ≥1.2%, and the soil pH is 4.0 to 6.5. Third, cultivation management Seedling: cuttings and tissue culture. 2. 3. Fertilization and management: Annual decomposed organic fertilizer ≥5000kg/667m2 (mu). 4. Plastic trim: A cluster of trees, combined with winter trim and summer trim. 5. Management: The wild bilberry is timely and sparse, and the old trees are regularly updated. 6. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 4. Harvested from mid-March to early July when the fruit is all blue and the fruit is not red-green. V. Quality characteristics 1. Sensory features: thick skin, thick white fruit, delicate flesh, fruity and rich. Fruit single fruit weight ≥ 3g. 2. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the Lingyuan Blueberry production area may apply to the Lingyuan Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision of Liaoning Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and announced to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. . The detection mechanism of Lingyuan Blueberry is selected by Liaoning Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau in the testing institutions that meet the qualification requirements.