Long An Pomelo

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Longan pomelo fruit is large, long conical or pear-shaped, with yellow-orange peel, pink pink juice, crisp meat, moderate sweet and sour taste, juicy juice, soluble solids 11.5-12%, sugar 1.9- per 100 ml juice 9.7 grams, 0.93-0.95 grams of acid, vitamin C55-63 mg, less nuclear or no nuclear, mature in mid-November. It has the functions of regulating the metabolism of the human body, lowering blood pressure, relaxing blood, purging lungs, digesting and sobering, reducing fire and diuresis, and has good curative effect on patients with spondylitis, abscess and constipation.

Guang'an District has a mild climate with four distinct seasons and abundant rainfall. The annual average temperature is 17.5 °C, the annual average sunshine hours is 1123.4 hours, the annual average precipitation is about 1000 mm, the annual average relative humidity is 84%, and the frost-free period is 332 days. The soil in Long'an Township is mostly gray-brown purple soil of Shaximiao Group. It has rich mineral nutrients and high soil organic matter content, which is the most suitable area for pomelo growth. Nutritional value Longan pomelo fruit peel yellow orange, juice cell pink, fleshy crisp, moderate sweet and sour, juicy, no nuclear or less nuclear. The soluble solids are 11.5-12%, and the total sugar is 7.9-9.7 g per 100 ml of juice, the acid is 0.93-0.95 g, and the VC 55-63 mg. Mature in mid-November. The effect of protection After the protection of GI products by Longan Pomelo, the yield per plant of pomelo fruit rose from 45 to 85, increasing production by 89%. The per mu yield increased from 1,800 to 3,000, an increase of 67%. The output value of mu increased from 9,600 yuan to 22,500 yuan, an increase of 134%. The per capita annual income of farmers was 650 yuan, which effectively boosted farmers' income. Product Awards In 1992-1994, Longan Pomelo was awarded the title of Sichuan Premium Fruit for 3 consecutive years. In 1993, Baishiyou won the gold medal at the "1993 China Quality Agricultural Products and Scientific and Technological Achievements Equipment Exhibition" held in Bangkok, Thailand. In 1995, Long An Pome was awarded the Gold Medal of the Second China Agricultural Exposition. In 1997, Long An Pome was awarded the Gold Medal of the National “Double New” Agricultural Fair. From 1992 to 1999, Long An Pome was awarded the National Quality Pomelo Appraisal Gold Award five times in a row. In 2002, Long An Pome was awarded the title of “Quality Agricultural Products” by the Western China Agricultural Expo, and registered the “Jiyou” brand trademark. In 2003, Baishi Pomelo won the Thai Dragon Fruit Award, and the fruit quality of the national red meat type pomelo was among the best. In 2002, the Provincial Department of Agriculture awarded “the first batch of high-quality pomelo bases in Sichuan Province”, and 2008 Longan Pomelo received the national geographical indication protection products. In May 2011, it was recognized as green food by China Green Food Development Center.

Longan pomelo quality technical requirements (a) variety. Wendan pomelo local varieties. (2) Site conditions. The altitude of the protected area is ≤450m, the soil type is purple soil, the texture is sandy loam to loam, the soil pH is 5.5 to 7.0, the organic matter content is ≥1.5%, and the soil thickness is ≥40cm. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Seedling cultivation: Take the acid pomelo as the rootstock, and collect the scion from the robust and non-quarantine pests and stalks for grafting and breeding. 2. Cultivation techniques: (1) Colonization: After the autumn shoots from September to October, or before the spring shoots from February to March, the container seedlings or soil transplanted seedlings are not subject to seasonal restrictions. The planting density of flat land is ≤495 plants/ha, and the slope area is ≤630 plants/ha. (2) Fertilization: Based on organic fertilizer, rational application of inorganic fertilizer. The adult tree per year is fertilized with organic fertilizer ≥80,000 kg per hectare, and the application rate of inorganic fertilizer is ≤300 kg of pure nitrogen per hectare. (3) Plastic trim: The tree shape is a natural round head shape. When trimming, it is ventilated and light-transmitted, reasonable load, and the principle of maintaining the tree. (4) Flower and fruit management: adopting measures of thinning and fruit thinning to regulate yield, the ratio of leaf to fruit is ≥200. 3. Environmental and safety requirements: the use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. Only 80% of the peel in the middle and late November will turn orange when it is harvested. The stored fruit is harvested 7 days to 10 days in advance. Ask for one cut and two cuts. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: fruit-shaped conical or obovate, fruit top depression, halo, obvious, yellow or orange-yellow skin. The flesh is crispy and succulent, the color is pink, the taste is sweet and sour, the taste is slightly bitter and numb, and there is no nuclear or less nuclear. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: Item index Single fruit weight kg≥1.0 Soluble solids%≥11.0 Solid acid ratio≥11.5≥11.5≥11.5 Edible rate%≥50≥50≥503. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must reach the national similar products Relevant regulations.

Apply to:
The producers within the scope of protection of Longan Pomelo Geographical Indication Products may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Guang'an District, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province for the use of “Special Marks for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.