Panjin Rice

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Panjin is located on the coast of the Bohai Sea, and the Liaohe River is in the sea. Here is the alluvial plain of the sea. The soil is alkaline and rich in trace elements needed by the human body. Due to its location in the middle and high latitudes, the temperature difference between day and night is large and the frost-free period is long. It is especially suitable for japonica rice. The growth, special geographical location and superior ecological environment make Panjin Rice famous for its excellent quality.

Panjin is located on the coast of the Bohai Sea, and the Liaohe River is in the sea. Here is the alluvial plain of the sea. The soil is alkaline and rich in trace elements needed by the human body. Due to its location in the middle and high latitudes, the temperature difference between day and night is large and the frost-free period is long. It is especially suitable for japonica rice. The growth, special geographical location and superior ecological environment make Panjin Rice famous for its excellent quality. Panjin City is located in the southwestern part of Liaoning Province, in the center of the Liaohe Delta. Since ancient times, it has been known as the “land of fish and rice” and is also known as the “Liaohe Golden Triangle”. Panjin is adjacent to Jinzhou in the west, Anshan in the east, and Liaodong Bay in the south. It is located in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River and is 150 kilometers away from the provincial capital of Shenyang. The city governs Shuangtaizi, Xinglongtai and the two counties of Panshan and Datun. The area is 3,959 square kilometers and the total population is 1.2 million. The territory is flat, with no water and no mountains. There are 21 large and small rivers and the coastline is 118 kilometers long. It is a temperate continental semi-humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasons, rain and heat in the same season, and dry and cold in the same period. This unique condition makes Panjin's rice a nationally renowned quality product. Because the area is warm and humid maritime climate, there are extremely reasonable temperature conditions and a long growing period for rice growth and development, and the seeds of the West Liaohe River are irrigated with sweet, pure and abundant milk, and there is no “industrial waste”. Contamination, especially the characteristics of the high quality glutinous rice which is characteristic of the alkaline soil, is uniquely advantageous. Therefore, the glutinous rice has low amylose content, strong toughness and good taste. In addition, the selection of excellent japonica rice varieties, strictly in accordance with the agricultural technical procedures for the production of organic foods for agricultural operations, such as the application of bio-organic fertilizers, the use of agricultural measures to comprehensively control pests and diseases, the implementation of machinery, artificial grass and stocking crabs and other grass, etc., for the production of quality Refined Panjin rice laid the foundation. The test results of Panjin soil also found that the larger content of chloride ions in Panjin soil resulted in the formation of an oily film in the gelatinization process of rice starch, which made Panjin rice look brighter and taste better. Panjin rice is full of grain, moderate length and width, white color, fragrant smell, low whiteness and good taste quality. According to the national standards "rice" (GB1354-86), high-quality rice standard (GB/T17891-1999) and Panjin rice standard (GB18824-2002) in the comparison of various quality indicators (Table 1) can be seen, Panjin rice The quality indicators of the products all meet the high quality rice standards, and have the unique characteristics of Panjin rice in terms of color and smell. Among the various physical and chemical indicators, Panjin rice also has obvious advantages, such as low gelatinization temperature, low amylose content, high gel consistency and rich protein and amino acid content.

Panjin rice quality technical requirements planting technology 1. Site preparation: Before planting rice, the soil of rice fields must be turned over to make it soft. This process is divided into three periods: coarse tillage, fine tillage and capping. In the past, the use of animal power and plows, mainly buffalo to plow the fields, but now use the machine to plant the land; 2. Seedling: first cultivate seedlings in a field, this field is often called Putian, after planting rice seeds Sprinkle a layer of rice hull ash on the soil; or use a special nursery box to raise seedlings. When the seedling grows about eight centimeters high, it can be transplanted. 3. Insertion: The seedlings are carefully inserted into the rice fields, and the order is orderly. The traditional transplanting method uses a reins, a shackle or a slinging wheel to mark the rice fields. When you insert it by hand, you will wear a splitter on the thumb of your left hand to help people separate the seedlings and insert them into the soil. The climate of transplanting is very important, such as heavy rain, it will destroy the seedlings. Modern multi-purpose transplanters are used for transplanting, but in the paddy fields where the land is undulating and the shape is not square, manual insertion is required. The seedlings generally go north-south. There is also a more convenient throwing; 4. Weeding and de-worming: When the seedlings grow up, they must always take care of them, remove the weeds, and sometimes use pesticides to remove the pests. 5. Fertilization: The seedlings are pumping high and growing out The first section of the rice stem is called the tillering stage. During this period, fertilization is often required to make the rice seedling grow robust and promote the fullness and quantity of rice in the future. 6. Irrigation and drainage: generally need to be transplanted, young When the ear is formed and the flowering stage is intensified, the water is irrigated; 7. Harvest: When the rice ear hangs down and the golden color is full, the harvest can be started, cut with a sickle, and then tying up, using the threshing machine to separate the rice ears, modern There is a harvester, after the rice ear is involved, the rice ear and the rice stem are directly separated, and the grain of one grain and one grain becomes rice; 8. Drying and deletion: the rice of the harvest needs to be dried and dried, and periodically flipped. The rice is dry. The deletion is to delete impurities such as Shibuya, and use an electric splitter, windmill or manual divergence to divide the valley, and use the wind to automatically screen the rice with full weight.