Pucheng Osmanthus

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"Xiangxiang, young leaves, and tired jade stacks", Song Yuanhui two years (AD 474), Jiang Ziyan in the "Miscellaneous. Love Yuanshan" sighs the charm and pride of Pucheng sweet-scented flowers, Pucheng sweet-scented osmanthus is a traditional specialty agricultural products, The quality is excellent, and it is well-known at home and abroad. It is thick and colorful, bright and fragrant, fragrant and fragrant, sweet and not greasy. It has the characteristics of “blossy color, sweet and not greasy”, rich in amino acids and trace elements needed by the human body. It is a combination of food, health care and beauty. Pucheng Osmanthus is a kind of Pucheng Dangui. It has good ornamental value and great flower consumption. It is also an excellent flower variety.

Pucheng osmanthus quality technical requirements (1) variety. Big leaf Dangui, Xiaoye Dangui. (2) Site conditions. Within the protected area, the altitude is below 800m, the slope is below 25°, the soil thickness is ≥80cm, the red soil, dark red soil and yellow red soil, the soil pH is 4.6 to 5.9, and the soil organic matter content is ≥1.5%. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Cutting seedlings: Choose a good mother tree with pure varieties, strong branches and no pests and diseases. Summer is inserted in late May to late June, and autumn is inserted in mid-August to late September. 2. Colonization: From the end of November to the end of February, 620 plants per hectare. 3. Fertilization management: Apply more than 8000kg of organic fertilizer per hectare per year, and rationally apply inorganic fertilizer. 4. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. In the early stage of the flowering stage, the flowers are full, the flowers are full of red and fragrant flowers; the flowers are not collected. Collected in the morning until 9 am, and decorated with bamboo baskets. (5) Processing process. 1. Sugar osmanthus processing process: flower selection → washing flower → hot flower → flowering → bleaching flower → flower control → flowering → packaging and other processes. (1) Flower selection: Excluding pedicels, flower buds and other impurities and discoloration flowers, and petals. (2) Washing flowers: The selected flowers are washed into clean water. (3) Perm flower: The flower after washing is put into boiling water (the ratio of flower to water is 1:4, that is, 1 part of flower, 4 parts of water) for 30 seconds to 35 seconds, and then picked up. (4) Sprinkling: When the flower is harvested, it will be drenched into boiling water that cools to room temperature. (5) Bleaching: The flower that has been removed is placed in boiling water that is cooled to room temperature and then floated. (6) Control the flowers: thinly spread the water naturally. (7) Stained flowers: Osmanthus and sugar (or honey) are stirred evenly in 1:1 and marinated in a clean container. (8) Packaging: Packing according to specifications. 2. Dry osmanthus processing process: flower selection → flower loading → drying flower → sieve flower → packaging and other processes. (1) Flower selection: After 60 mesh sieve, the peduncle, flower bud and other impurities are removed. (2) Loading flowers: The selected flowers are evenly spread on the baking frame. (3) Drying: Master the skills of “seeing the flowers, watching the flowers, drying the flowers first, then slowing down”. The temperature control in the early stage is dehumidified from 55 °C to 65 °C; the temperature in the middle and late stages is controlled from 40 °C to 50 °C until drying. (5) Packaging: Packing according to specifications. (6) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: (1) Sugar osmanthus: It has the sensory quality characteristics of “the thick color of the petals, sweet and sweet”. The flowers are orange-red, evenly mixed with the sugar liquid, sweet and fragrant. (2) Dried sweet-scented osmanthus: It has the sensory quality characteristics of “sweet and fragrant, sweet and sweet”, the color is orange-red, orange to light yellow; the flower is dry and fragrant. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: (1) sugar osmanthus: 1 sugar-scented osmanthus: sucrose 45.0% to 56.0%, water ≤ 28.0%, calcium ≥ 85mg / kg. 2 honey-scented osmanthus: fructose and glucose ≥ 56.0%, water ≤ 28.0%, calcium ≥ 85mg / kg. (2) dried sweet-scented osmanthus: calcium ≥ 1200mg / kg, water ≤ 13.5%. 3. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of protection of Pucheng Guihua Geographical Indication Products may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Pucheng County, Fujian Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be approved by the Fujian Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. . The statutory testing agency of Pucheng Guihua is designated by the Fujian Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.