Tianchi Lotus Root powder

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Tianchi glutinous powder, excellent texture, bright color, fragrant and delicious, was once a tribute to the Qing Dynasty royal family. The product has the functions of tonifying blood, calming the mind, clearing the eyesight, and regulating the lungs. It is suitable for all kinds of young and old people such as weak body, weak appetite, dry mouth and dry mouth. Lotus root is a high-carbohydrate and low-fat food. In addition to protein, starch, multivitamins and carotene, it also contains amino acids and very few peroxidases.

Tianchi glutinous powder is produced in Lezhi County, Ziyang City. It is named after its raw material lotus root is native to the county Tianchi and has the best quality. The lotus roots in Lezhi County are widely cultivated, and they are most famous for their production in Tianchi at the foot of Lushan Mountain. Tianchi 藕 is rich in texture, delicate and fragrant, and belongs to the top grade. Tianchi 藕 pink and white in red, delicate and smooth, with a boiling water after the transformation is a translucent paste, aromatic sweet alcohol, with food, health, clear heart and eyesight, nourishing marrow, nourishing and calming effect. The production history of Lezhi County is numerous, and it is rich in lotus roots. It has a long history of glutinous flour production. The “Tianchi” powder is famous both at home and abroad. Lezhi is the hometown of lotus roots. As early as the Song Dynasty, there was a history of tribute to the emperor by means of powder production. The Manchu royal family regarded this specialty as the best in the drink. Lotus root is rich in nutrients and nourishing ingredients, which can promote metabolism and improve immunity. It is a commonly used health and beauty food. Li Shizhen said: "Lianhua is the root of the spirit." It is the treasure of the world. Nutritional value 藕 powder is a long-established traditional nourishing food. Lotus root powder has high nutritional value and good therapeutic effect. Lotus root is cold-smelling, has heat-clearing and cooling blood, and can be used to treat heat-related diseases; it contains mucus protein and meal. Fiber, the combination of cholesterol and triglycerides in food, allows it to be excreted from the feces, thereby reducing the absorption of lipids. Honey powder is sweet and delicious, easy to digest and absorb water, and rich in nutrients. Clearing heat and cooling blood: lotus roots are used for sexual cold, and have the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood. They can be used to treat heat disorders; lotus roots are sweet and juicy, and they are especially beneficial for fever, thirst, blood stasis, hemoptysis and blood. Laxative diarrhea, spleen appetizer: lotus root contains mucus protein and dietary fiber, which can combine with the body's cholate, cholesterol and triglyceride in food, so that it can be excreted from the feces, thus reducing the absorption of lipids. Benefiting blood and blood muscle: Lotus root has high nutritional value, rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium, and rich in plant protein, vitamin and starch. It has obvious replenishing qi and blood and enhances human immunity. Therefore, Chinese medicine called it: "The main supplement to raise the spirit, benefit the strength." Hemostasis: It contains a lot of tannic acid, which has the function of contracting blood vessels and can be used to stop bleeding. It can also cool blood and stagnate blood. Chinese medicine believes that it stops bleeding without leaving sputum. It is a therapeutic food for heat sickness. Efficacy and effect Lotus root sweet, flat, raw and cooked can be eaten, attending hot thirst, scattered blood, muscle; cooked warm and sweet, beneficial stomach and spleen, nourishing blood, antidiarrheal function; attending lung heat cough , irritability, thirst, spleen diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc. Precautions The general population can be eaten; old and young women are particularly suitable for those who are sick and sick; especially suitable for patients with high fever, vomiting blood, high blood pressure, liver disease, loss of appetite, iron deficiency anemia, and malnutrition.

Technical requirements for quality of Tianchi glutinous rice (1) Variety. E Lian No. 4, E Lian No. 5. (2) Site conditions. The soil type is red brown purple soil, the soil texture is clay loam, the soil organic matter is ≥0.8%, and the soil pH is 6.5 to 7.5. The field requires compartments and no water leakage. (3) Cultivation management. 1. 2. 3. Field management: (1) Adjust the water level: the water depth does not exceed 10cm during cultivation. Drain the water 3 days before harvest. (2) Fertilization: Apply high-quality organic fertilizer ≥15000kg per hectare per year. (3) Picking old leaves and stalks: When the flower buds appear, the pedicels are bent but not broken. Before the loquat leaves and petioles are all dead, 15 days before the picking, the loquat leaves and some petioles are cut together. 4. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. Harvested from November to February of the next year, the upper stems and leaves of the area died to the pre-emergence mining. (5) Processing. 1. Process points: (1) Fresh oysters need to be processed into glutinous rice within 24 hours after harvest. (2) Groundwater in the protected area is used in processing. (6) Quality characteristics. 1. After the preparation, it is translucent gelatinous and shiny; it has fresh scent, refreshing, high viscosity and filiform. 2. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of the protection of the geographical indication products of Tianchi glutinous rice powder may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Lezhi County, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which is reviewed by the Sichuan Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau and is The General Administration of Inspection and Quarantine announced the approval. The legal inspection agency for Tianchi Powder is designated by the Sichuan Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau.