Xingguo Grey Goose

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Xingguo Grey Goose is a specialty of Xingguo County in Cangzhou City. The Xingguo Goose can be traced back to the Jin Dynasty in the 3rd to 4th centuries of the park and has a long history. Therefore, Xingguo is known as the "hometown of gray goose". Xingguo Grey Goose has high nutrition, good quality and fast growth. It has a long-standing reputation in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

The Xingguo grey goose was originally evolved from Hongyan, and later evolved into a grass-eating poultry. It is a medium-sized genus of the genus Avian, Anatidae, Aphididae, and geese. It is indicated by its main biological traits. The Xingguo Grey Goose not only has the typical characteristics of the Chinese goose gray feather type, but also has the unique quality traits of the natural geography and climate conditions of Xingguo. From the perspective of the protection of livestock and poultry genetic resources, according to the Announcement No. 662 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2006 The "Golden Goose Breeding List of National Animals and Poultry Genetic Resources" lists the varieties of Xingguo Grey Goose. According to the product categories defined in the GI product protection regulations, the Xingguo Grey Goose is a breeding product that has been traditionally produced and modernized and standardized, and meets the product category conditions defined in the protection of geographical indication products. The southern part of Jiangxi Province in Xingguo County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, is a hilly area in the north of Cangzhou City. It has many rivers and features low hilly features in the south of the Yangtze River. The forest coverage rate is 72.3%. There are four types of soil in the territory: red loam, purple soil, alluvial soil and paddy soil. The water and soil unique to the production area are rich in effective nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, copper and zinc. Most of the county is subtropical monsoon humid climate. The climate in the territory is mild, the rainfall is abundant, the sunshine is sufficient, the four seasons are distinct, and the frost-free period is long. The annual average temperature is 18.9 ° C, and the average rainfall is 1520 mm. The average annual frost-free period is 284 days. The resources of the three grasses are sufficient, and the river forks are densely covered, which is suitable for the breeding of the gray goose in the country. Xingguo grey goose ash feather meat type, character is gentle, moderate shape, stable genetic performance, good production performance, resistance to rough feeding, fast growth, strong adaptability and stress resistance, delicious meat and other excellent characteristics. The plumage is very gray, the front of the neck and the lower part of the abdomen are grayish white, and the wing feathers are corrugated. The mouth is green, the feet are yellow (green), the skin is yellow and white, and the eyes are black and black. The adult male goose has a longer body and a larger head. After sexual maturity, the anterior sarcoma protrudes and the sound is loud. The adult goose is more difficult to drive, the rear abdomen is more developed, the temperament is gentle, and the voice is low and clear. Xingguo Grey Goose is resistant to rough food, whether it is wild or cultivated grass or green vegetables. Hi group animal husbandry, strong resistance, motherhood is good, the mother goose will take the initiative to dial the goose to the end of the goose, each time laying 10-12 pieces of eggs, natural nest, and good cubits, there are nursing gosling instinct. In winter and spring, the longest speed is the fastest. The daily weight gain of winter goose is generally above 55 grams. It can be released around 65 days old. The daily gain of spring goose is above 50 grams, and it can be released around 70 days old. Generally it can grow up to 4 kg, and the big one has 5 kg.

Quality technical requirements of Xingguo Grey Goose (1) Management measures. The grassland water level is combined with grazing. 1. Feeding site: There is flowing water or still water (pond, swamp) within 200m of the breeding ground. Soil pH 5.0 to 6.8, organic matter 1.8 mg/kg to 3.8 mg/kg, alkali nitrogen 100 mg/kg to 168 mg/kg, available phosphorus 10 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg, effective potassium 100 mg/kg to 158 mg/kg . 2. Construction requirements for goose houses: Ditch drainage around the geese, the groundwater level is more than 1.5 meters, avoiding the construction of sultry, humid and low-lying areas, with ventilation, wind, moisture, rodents and insects. 3. Breeding of goose: (1) Feeding density: The goose that has just emerged from the shell is ≤36/m2. With the increase of age, the stocking density is gradually reduced to 45 days old ≤6/m2. (2) Temperature: The goose that has just emerged from the shell maintains the temperature at 27 ° C to 28 ° C in the first week, and the relative humidity of the brooding room is 60% to 70%. With the increase of the age, the room temperature drops by 2 ° C to 4 ° C per week. After 1 week, the humidity is the same as the outside world. After 20 to 30 days, the field is grazing according to the weather conditions. (3) Drinking water and splashing water: drinking water: using clean well water or tap water, water quality requires pH 6.0 to 7.07, zinc 1.15×10-2 mg/L, iron 2.2-5×10-2 mg/L, and oxygen decomposing ≥6.8 mg/L, chemical oxygen demand ≤8mg/L, coliform ≤10000/L, chloride ≤0.004 mg/L, arsenic ≤5×10-4mg/L, mercury≤5×10-5mg/ L. Splash: local pond water and flowing water, coliform group ≤104/L, toxic heavy metal ≤8×10-4mg/L, flowing water depth ≥0.3m, 0.2m2/only, static water depth ≥0.5m, 0.8 - 1.5 m 2 / only. (4) Feeding: The goose that has just emerged from the shell must be eaten within 36 hours. Feed 80% green fodder with 20% soaked rice (or rice), goose feeding with less feeding, 1 to 3 days 4 to 5 times / day, 4 to 10 days 5 to 6 times / day, 10 days It is necessary to feed 1 time after the age. After 30 days of age, the grazing is mainly used during the day, and the feed is supplemented once every noon and evening. (5) Feed: Goose green feed is mainly 60 to 80%, compound feed is 25 to 40%, 1 to 30 days old crude protein is 17 to 19%, metabolizable energy is 10 to 115 wj/kg, goose crude protein after 30 days of age 15 To 18%, the metabolic energy is 9 to 11 wj/kg. (6) Out of the line: time 65 to 75 days, weight mother goose 2.8 to 3.5Kg / only, figurine goose 3 to 4.5Kg / only. (2) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: the product goose feathers are very gray, the front of the neck and the lower part of the abdomen are grayish white, the mouth is blue, the feet are yellow, the skin is yellowish white, the eyes are rainbow black, the adult male goose has a long body, the head is large, and the sex is mature. The anterior sarcoma of the forehead is screaming loudly. The adult goose has a short body, a late abdomen, a gentle temperament, and a low and clear voice. The muscle fibers are small and the meat is tender. 2. Characteristic indicators: amino acid content ≥200mg/g, protein ≥20%, muscle fiber diameter ≤19μm, cholesterol content ≤45mg/100mg.

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The producers within the scope of protection of the geographical indication products of Xingguo Grey Goose may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Xingguo County of Jiangxi Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.