Yunxi mutton

Daixi Matou Goat, an excellent local variety in Luxi County, is famous throughout the country for its delicate meat, no astringency, high fertility and adaptability. Characteristics of the ingredients: the horse-headed goats have no horns, the head shape is like a horse, and the temperament is slow, commonly known as "lazy sheep."

The west horse head goat has a long head and a medium size. The ram has a long hair (male characteristics) at the top of the forehead at 4 months of age, and gradually stretches to cover the upper edge of the eyelid. It will last for a long time. After all, it will be stripped off and will not resurrect. The horse head has a rectangular shape with a well-structured structure, solid bones, straight back, ribs open, wide buttocks, slightly inclined, short and upturned. Breast development is acceptable. The limbs are strong and strong, and the gait is like a horse while walking, nodding frequently. The goat's skin is thick and soft, and the hair is thin and lint-free. The hair is mainly white, with a small amount of black and hemp. According to the short length of hair, it can be divided into two types: long hair type and short hair type. According to the spine, it can be divided into two categories: "double ridge" and "single ridge". The quality of "double ridge" and "long hair" is better. Nutritional value: The mutton is tender and has high nutritional value. Anyone with insufficient kidney yang, weak waist and knees, cold pain in the abdomen and insufficient labor can use it as a therapeutic food. Mutton is rich in nutrients, and has great benefits for tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, anemia, postpartum qi and blood deficiency, abdominal cold pain, body chills, malnutrition, weak waist and knees, impotence and premature ejaculation, and all debilitating cold conditions; It is suitable for regular consumption of men and women.

Technical requirements for the quality of Maxi goat meat in the west of the country 1. Variety of horse head goats. Second, feeding management 1. Feed source: natural forages such as grasses, thorns, legumes, and compositae, or artificially planted white clover, ryegrass, light leaves, alfalfa, alfalfa, and royal bamboo Advantageous pastures, as well as orange stems, green sweet corn vines, pea vines, peanut vines and other food crops. The concentrate is made from locally grown corn, sweet potato, bean seeds, rapeseed, sesame, peanut cake and other crops or bran. 2. (2) Requirements for the pens: Hanging-legged sheep houses, 1.2m to 1.5m from the ground. The sheep bar is 50m2 to 100m2 each, and there is a 20m2 wintering room in the column. (3) Feeding management: According to the species of rams, litter ewes, and fattening sheep, they are managed in groups and classified. 1 Lamb feeding management: Eat colostrum within 48 hours after birth. After 10 days of age, the young and green hay were fed, and after 30 days, the concentrate was supplemented and the lactation period was 2 months. 2 breeding sheep breeding management: choose healthy sheep with weight ≥ 20kg, using grazing and supplement feeding mixed fattening method, according to each sheep 1kg to 2kg hay and 0.2kg to 0.3kg mixed concentrate to supplement. Feed 2 to 3 times a day. 3 Out of the market: commercial sheep from 12 months to 18 months old with a body weight of ≥30kg; lambs with a body weight of ≥10kg from 6 months to 11 months old can be released after passing the quarantine. 3. Environmental and safety requirements: Feeding environment, prevention and control of epidemic diseases must implement relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. Third, slaughtering and processing 1. Sheep source standard: healthy sheep from non-epidemic areas within the scope of production, meeting the requirements of variety, age and weight. 2. (2) scalding and fading: scalding in a hot pot at a water temperature of 63 ° C to 67 ° C for 3 minutes, hand fading. (3) Cooling and fresh-keeping: 0 ° C to 4 ° C, cooling for 24 hours. Fourth, the quality characteristics 1. Sensory features: (1) Appearance: bright red and shiny; muscle fibers are dense and elastic; fat is white and has a clear aroma. (2) Taste: The meat is tender and delicious, the taste is slight, the meat tastes fragrant, and the taste is not greasy. 2. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the production area of ​​Maxi goat meat in western Fujian may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Luxi County, Hubei Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which is reviewed by the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. After the announcement. The detection mechanism of the Maxi goat meat in the west of the country is selected by the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in the inspection institutions that meet the qualification requirements.