Zuoquan Mian Walnut

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Zuoquan Mian walnut nuts are full, thin, large, fragrant, containing 17-27% protein, 60-70% fat; containing calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, chromium and vitamins A, B, C and other substances have extremely high nutritional value and are excellent supplements for anti-aging and health.

Zuoquan Mian walnut is a thermophilic fruit tree. The temperature range and frost-free period of the main producing area are: the annual average temperature is 10.3 °C, the lowest temperature in the main producing area is -18.7 °C, the highest temperature is 36.3 °C, and the frost-free period is more than 162 days. The local temperature in July is the hottest, with an average of over 21.6 °C. Walnut saplings are basically not frozen in winter and will not affect the normal growth of flower buds and leaf buds. Zuoquan Mian walnut is a kind of hi-light tree, especially the tree that enters the result period needs more sunshine. The total annual sunshine hours in the main producing areas is 2515 hours, and the percentage of sunshine is 58%. The number of sunshine in May and June is the highest in the year, reaching 316-326 hours per month, with a percentage of 61%. Ample light can promote the growth of walnuts. Improve the quality of walnuts. Zuoquan Mian walnut has strong adaptability to air humidity and is resistant to dry air, but sensitive to soil moisture. Over-drying and over-wetting are not conducive to the growth of walnut. The average precipitation in the main producing areas is 502 mm, and the seasonal difference in precipitation is also large. The precipitation in June-September is 311.2 mm, accounting for 62% of the annual precipitation. From December to March, it is only 25.1 mm. 5% of annual precipitation. The distribution of precipitation is decreasing from north to south. The area around the infested and celery is generally rainy. The annual average precipitation is 565 mm, while the Tonglu and Matian areas are 440 mm. The main producing area of ​​Zuoquan Mian walnut is mainly mountain brown soil. The content of organic matter in mountain cinnamon soil is 1.01%, the total nitrogen content is 0.218%, and the PH value is 6.5-7.5. There are also sandy loam, light loam and loam. According to the test, the content of chlorate and sulfate in the soil is consistent with the planting standard of walnut. Walnuts have strong adaptability to the soil. Whether it is hills, mountains or flat land, it can grow as long as the soil layer is thick and well drained.

Technical requirements for quality of Zuoquan Mian walnut (1) Variety. White water cotton walnut, old cow cotton walnut, Liaoxiang No. 1. (2) Site conditions. The altitude is 650 to 1100 meters. The soil type is loam or sandy loam. The organic matter content is ≥1.0%, the soil layer thickness is 1.0m or more, the soil pH is 6.5 to 7.5, and the groundwater level is below 2m. (3) Cultivation techniques. 1. Nursery: Take the local walnut as the rootstock and collect the scion from the mother plant without quarantine pests and diseases for grafting and breeding. 2. Planting: The planting time in spring is completed after the soil is thawed until the seedlings are germinated. The planting time in autumn is completed after the leaves of the seedlings are frozen until the soil is frozen. The planting density is ≤490 plants/ha. 3. Tree type: Take natural happy shape or evacuate layered shape. 4. Fertilization: mainly based on farmyard manure, supplemented by fertilizer. Young trees should be ≥25kg per farm per year, and mature trees should be ≥50kg per farm per year. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. 1. Harvesting period: Harvesting begins when the peel is cracked 1/5. 2. De-greening: de-greening or chemical de-greening by stacking. (5) Storage. Storage according to the actual situation: short-term dry storage, low temperature refrigeration, film account sealed storage. (6) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: variety index white water cotton walnut old cow cotton walnut Liaoxiang No. 1 sensory characteristics fruit shape oblate, the suture line is wide, the top is flat, the fruit shape is basically the same. The shell surface is clean, with a natural yellow-white oval, the suture is narrow, the top is slightly concave, and the fruit shape is basically the same. The shell surface is clean, and the natural yellow-white suture is slightly protruding, and the fruit shape is basically the same. The shell surface is clean, and the natural yellow-white fruit is full, the color is yellow and white, the taste is light and full, the color is light amber, the micro-yellow is full, the color is yellow and white, and the taste is light. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: variety index white water cotton walnut old cow cotton walnut Liaoxiang No. 1 physical and chemical indicators transverse diameter mm≥30≥30≥30 average fruit weight g≥12≥12≥10 kernel rate%≥45≥45≥45 water content%≤8≤8≤8 fat content%≥60≥60≥ 60 protein content%≥12≥12≥123. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must comply with the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of protection of Zuoquan Mianhua Walnut Geographical Indication Products may submit an application to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Zuoquan County, Shanxi Province for the use of “Special Marks for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.