Braised Fish Maw

Braised Fish Maw

The squid fin is the home-watching dish of Tan Jiacai. In order to protect the animals, it is now replaced by fish belly. The authentic stingray belly is soft and smooth, the soup is thick and not greasy, clear and not thin; the amount of salt and sugar is very small, and the proportional relationship is just right, it is cool and light and tasteful.

Tan Jiacai, also known as the list of dishes, is the representative of the official dishes of Beijing cuisine, which appeared in the early years of the late Qing Dynasty. The tradition of Tanjiacai is that the materials are fine, the materials are generous, and the workmanship is delicate. Good at dry goods, commonly used in shark fin, abalone, bird's nest, sea cucumber. Tanjiacai mainly uses cooking, stewing, braising, simmering, steaming and other methods to cook, pay attention to thick soup, slow fire and thin stew, in order to achieve a soft and delicious texture, delicious effect. Tanjia Cai seasoning is generally salty and sweet, half, original, never need to stir-fry, generally do not use pepper, pepper or MSG.