Gourd chicken

Gourd chicken

Gourd chicken is a traditional dish of Han nationality in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, which began in the Tang Dynasty. The production of gourd chicken is divided into three steps: cooking, steaming and frying. In the production, first rinse in clear water, in addition to clean blood, boil the chicken with hemp, to keep the chicken plastic, wait for the cold water in the pot to boil, put the chicken, cook for half an hour, take out, Sheng - pot, add Broth, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, onion, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, steamed into the cage. When frying, burn the rapeseed oil to 80% of the steamed whole chicken, and use the spoon to move. When the chicken is golden brown, use a colander to remove it, drain the oil, then put it in the plate and bring it to the table. Butterfly salt and salt. The color is golden red, the skin is tender and tender, the smell is mellow, and the chopsticks are off the bone.