Tujia biscuit

Tujia sesame cake is the slag cake. The history of the slag-burning cake can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The tribes of the Enshi Tujia, located in the Chu State, became the tributes of the Tujia savory tribute to the Chu King, and were received by the Chu King and the palace ministers. Great appreciation and preference, is a traditional tribute of the Tujia people. This sesame seed cake has become an indispensable food for the Enshi Tujia and Miao people.

The slag-burning cake adopts the Tujia traditional tribute cake process, combined with the modern baking equipment, after 400 ° C high temperature and short time of open fire baking, the surface layer is crisp and refreshing, fragrant but not greasy, the inner layer is tender and gluten, the taste is soft, the entrance It is famous throughout the country for its fragrance. A special feature of the slag-burning biscuits is that the selected meat stuffed with dozens of spices is sprinkled on the surface and baked on an open flame, which has a particularly attractive barbecue flavor that is not found in traditional pies. It is very evocative and long-lasting, and it is a icing on the cake with a nutritious quail egg. The slag-burning cake avoids the harm to the human health of the fried food, and completely retains the original nutrients of the food. Another feature is its soft and delicate face, which is extremely fine in the fermentation process. In different seasons, the flour must be fermented in different ways to make delicious biscuits. The white flour, yeast, warm water, butter, sugar are placed in the pot and dough, and the fermentation is carried out. The fermentation time is about two hours. The dough is cut, and there are many small holes in the cross section. The meat is loose and the shallots are minced for use. The beef is chopped with garlic to make the garlic into the ground beef. Although the slag-burning cake is made of pork, the beef can be "slag-removed". Roll the dough into a uniform size, press into a two-inch pancake, and use a toothpick to make a small hole in it to avoid bulging when baking. Evenly mix the pepper, pepper, cumin and salt on the cake evenly. Finally, put the finished cake into the oven, adjust it to 190 degrees, bake for 20 minutes, and the home version of the "slag cake" will be freshly baked.