Huai Rehmannia

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Rehmannia, also known as the habitat, is a perennial herb. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that 'this kind of plant' is tested by water immersion, the name of the floating person is yellow, the person who is half-floating and semi-sinking is human yellow, and the name of Shen is named. Therefore, people are more expensive to sink, and for a long time, the name is rehmannia.

When it comes to Rehmannia, everyone is not strange, you should know that Liuwei Dihuang Pills are made of Jiaozuo Rehmannia. Dihuang is divided into two kinds of rehmannia root and rehmannia glutinosa, which is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica"; the woman is more bloody and easy to use, and the man is more yin and easy to use Rehmannia glutinosa. Ms. friends can use the rehmannia root and yam to soak in the water to play the role of beauty and beauty, blood circulation and qi. Rehmannia can be drunk for 3 to 5 days, and after soaking in water, the woman can put the rehmannia tablets on the corners of the eyes to dilute the crow's feet. Rehmannia glutinosa, is an excellent recipe for women to nourish their blood. Rehmannia glutinosa is produced in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. The remarkable characteristics of Rehmannia glutinosa are: oily, soft, fine skin, dark brown and shiny inside, slightly sweet, especially the cross-section is chrysanthemum-like. In the rehmannia glutinous rice, it is especially good to produce in Wenxian County. Rehmannia glutinosa is the rhizome of Rehmannia glutinosa. The characteristics of Rehmannia glutinosa are extremely obvious. The heart of the daisy, the horn flower, the strong taste, the delicate content and the slightly sweet taste. The doctor Chen Jialu's book "Materia Medica" is praised by Huai Di Huang: "Jiangsu and Zhejiang soil breeders are affected by the southern yang, although the quality is light and weak, the Huaiqing producers, the northern pure Yin, the skin has a strong force. Big." "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains: "Today people only take Huaiqing Dihuang as the top." Product Features Rehmannia glutinosa is divided into fresh rehmannia, rehmannia root and rehmannia glutinosa. (1) Fresh Rehmannia: It is spindle-shaped or strip-shaped, 8-24 cm long and 2-9 cm in diameter. The outer skin is thin, the surface is light reddish yellow, with curved longitudinal wrinkles, bud marks, horizontal long lenticels and irregular scars. Meaty, easy to break, the section of the skin is yellowish white, orange-orange oil spots, yellow and white wood, and the ducts are arranged radially. The air is slight, the taste is slightly sweet and slightly bitter. (2) Rehmannia glutinosa: mostly irregularly agglomerate or oblong, with enlarged middle, slightly thinner ends, some small, long strips, slightly flat and twisted, 6-12 cm long and 3-6 cm in diameter. The surface is brownish-black or brownish-grey, extremely shrinking, with irregular cross-curved lines. The weight and quality are soft and tough, and it is not easy to break. The section is brownish black or blackish black, shiny and sticky. Odorless, slightly sweet. (3) Rehmannia glutinosa: processed processed products of Rehmannia glutinosa, which are irregular pieces and fragments, varying in size and thickness. The surface is black, shiny and sticky. It is soft and tough, not easy to break, and the section is black and shiny. Odorless, sweet. Planting History Jiaozuo planted with a long history of unique technology and rich experience. Many fine varieties, strong gold champions, four-toothed hair, and 7681 are all cultivated by Jiaozuo people. The cultivation of the 'golden champion' has been around for nearly a hundred years. In recent years, it has been popular in the international market. There is also a kind of 'land', also known as Su Zhidi and Hangzhidi. The processing method was invented by Song Faxing in Southwest Ling Village in 1845. The choice of this kind of rehmannia, the brewing specifications are very strict, the price is expensive, specializing in Su and Hang, no longer produced after liberation. Rehmannia processing is also a unique technology in Wenxian County. It is steamed and sun-dried until it is dark and shiny inside and outside, and the taste is slightly sweet and sour. Product efficacy Huai Di Huang Sheng with heat and cool blood, Xiaoji Shengjin, nourishing Yin, stop bleeding; cooked maternal yin and blood, Yijing fill the marrow, attending yin deficiency, less blood, tonic and stomach. "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" lists the rehmannia as the top grade, and the top grader "mainly feeds the life to the heavens, is non-toxic, and takes a long time to serve without hurting people. If you want to be light, you will not be old and prolonged." "Materia Medica" : "Rehmannia, can replenish the middle soil, to nourish the top products." The current version of the "Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China" contains fresh rehmannia, which can clear away heat, cool blood, and stop bleeding. Rehmannia root clears heat and cools blood, nourishing yin and fluid. Rehmannia radix replenishes blood and nourishes the yin.