Jingyuan Wenguan Fruit Oil

Jingyuan County has a long history of planting of the fruit, according to the test in the middle of the 17th century, the Ming Dynasty Chongzhen years have been sporadic planting, the production of Guanguan fruit oil is high, the oil quality is good, the color is clear and golden, the taste is sweet, the aroma is strong, Rich in nutrients, it is the best in woody vegetable oil. Since ancient times, it has the reputation of “Southern Tea Oil, Northern Wenguan”.

In the Najiataizi, Shaliang Village, Dongwan Town, Jingyuan County, Gansu Province, two ancient trees with more than 100 years of cultivar are grown. The one that has been identified has a tree age of more than 300 years and is listed as a national second-class protected ancient tree. ", the area is 3.6 meters, the tree is 6 meters high, and the crown is more than 6 meters. Because of its long history, if it is spiritual, it is regarded as a tree by the local people, and the tourists who come here are even more endless. According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, there were soldiers who cut wood and mistakenly cut the crown of fruit trees. The Wenguan fruit tree dreamed of Naigong at night and said that his limb was injured and he was allowed to apply it with mud. The next day was a public look, and the cut was really like blood dripping, and it was regarded as a god tree by the locals. In the 1990s, the trees suffered from the robbers of the beasts, and the trees of the willows were all harmed by the beetles. The sorghum fruit oil is derived from the seeds of the genus Corolla, which is an ancient species left over from the Tertiary period of the angiosperm period, and its origin is in northwestern China. In the northwest of ancient times, the environment is excellent, the soil is fertile, and the rain is sufficient. It is very suitable for the growth of the fruit. Wenguan fruit oil is a high-grade medicine, food and oil, but also a natural health care product and beauty treasures. The whole body of the crown is a treasure, with very high edible value, medicinal value, ornamental value and ecological value. It is the national treasure in the trees and the wonders in the garden. She is a woody oil plant unique to China and is known as the northern oil tea. It is not only a precious tourist ornamental plant, but also an excellent timber tree species, soil and water conservation tree species and commonly used Chinese herbal medicines. Her vitality is very tenacious, able to grow in the desert Gobi and ice and snow, resisting the drought and cold in the north, and resisting natural disasters. She has a long life of 2000 years and is 1,000 years longer than Hu Yang. The ancient trees of the millennium are still flourishing and fruitful. It is said that the folk fruit is the god tree, which was first introduced by the monks. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that the longevity fruit is called Wenguanshu for a long time and is light and healthy. It is not old for a hundred years, and the branches are fried with sputum, rheumatism and strong bones. In the ancient tombs unearthed in ancient times, the fuel used by Changming Lantern was Wenguan Fruit Oil, which is flame-resistant and smoke-free. In Tibet, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and other places, the monks in the temple used the oil of the crown of the crown as the oil of the Buddha's front lamp, to show the Buddha's light and the Shinto. It is rumored that "in the Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhist circles, the crown of the fruit tree is regarded as the god tree, and the crown oil is called the god oil. Only the living Buddha and a few senior monks and lamas have the opportunity and qualification to eat." Senior monks used to drink tea from the crown of the fruit when they practiced Buddha. This is one of the reasons why the medical conditions were not developed before, but the monk was able to live longer. Therefore, the Wenguan fruit oil was praised as longevity oil by the people. With the light of the fruit of the crown, the murals of the temple and the golden Buddha did not change color for a hundred years.

Jingyuan Wenguan Fruit Oil Quality Technical Requirements I. Variety Local original varieties. Second, the site conditions within the protected area range from 1290 to 3017 meters above sea level, the soil is dominated by ash-calcium soil. Third, cultivation management (a) seedling 1. Seed treatment: 80 ° C hot water for 10 minutes, natural temperature soaking for 48 hours, 3 times the volume of river sand mixed seeds, placed in a constant temperature room at 26 ° C germination to 85% of the seed coat Cracking. 2. Seeding: In the middle of April, the plant spacing is 9cm×15cm, the seeding depth is 3 to 4cm, the soil is covered by 2 to 3cm, and the soil is gently suppressed after covering the soil. 3. Seedling management: 4 times of irrigation in the whole year, 20kg of urea per acre, 60kg of superphosphate, 20kg of potassium sulfate, weeding and weeding after each irrigation, and filling the winter water before and after the frost. (2) Planting and management 1. Planting before planting: Drilling a planting hole with a diameter of 50 cm according to the row spacing of the plant, and applying 10 to 15 kg of organic fertilizer at the bottom of the hole. 2. Planting: Planting in spring and autumn, the plant spacing is 3m×4m, the planting depth of seedling roots is level with the ground, the roots are stretched, the soil is covered and the water is filled. 3. Field management: (1) Drying and shaping: the fixed height is about 60cm, the trunk height is 50cm, the lateral main branches are 6 to 7, the branching angle is about 50 degrees, and the tree height is about 3m. (2) Fertilization and irrigation: 3 to 4 times of irrigation in the whole year, more than 1000kg of organic fertilizer per mu, 30kg of urea and 50kg of compound fertilizer. (3) Weeding and weeding: weeding 3 to 4 times in the whole year. (4) Pest control: Spray a 5-wave mesosulfur mixture before the canopy sprouting, and spray a broad-spectrum insecticide in the first half of May. 4. Harvesting and storage 1. Harvesting: Harvested from green to brownish brown when the fruit is changed from reddish brown to black in late July to early August. 2. Degranulation: Disperse the dried fruits to the cracks in time, separate the seeds and the shells, and dry the seeds to a moisture content of 15% or less. 3. Storage: The grain is stored in a ventilated and dry room, the temperature is ≤ 20 ° C, and the air humidity is ≤ 30%. V. Production process and key point control (I) Production process grain screening Boiled degradation Warm fire frying Shell kernel Separation Crushing seed shells Shell kernels mixing into oil embryos Pressing Filtration Precipitation. (II) Control of key points 1. Grain screening: impurity content ≤ 0.2%. 2. Boiled degradation: boil for 40 minutes. 3. Warm fire: the temperature is 160 ° C, fry until the water content is 17%. 4. Pressing the oil embryo: static pressing to 60 MPa. 5. Precipitation: ≥ 15 days. Sixth, the quality characteristics 1. Sensory characteristics: the color is light yellow to golden yellow, the taste is smooth and flawless, and the fragrance is rich and long. 2. Characteristic index: Item index oleic acid content, % 27.0~40.0 linoleic acid content, % 37.0~55.0 nervonic acid, % ≥ 1.6 3. Safety and other quality technical requirements: product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national Provisions.

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Producers within the scope of Jingyuan Wenguan Oil Production may submit an application to the Jingyuan County Bureau of Industry and Commerce Quality Supervision for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Gansu Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. announcement.