Lai Feng fengtou Ginger

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The special product of Laifeng County, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province, is named after the shape of the crested eagle. It is also known as “Laifeng Jiang”. It is a fine ginger variety that has been stabilized by the people of Laifeng County for a long time. Its ginger handle is like a finger, the tip is bright red, slightly purple, and the tubers are white.

Technical requirements for quality of Fengfengtoutoujiang (1) Site conditions. The fertile loam and sandy loam soil with convenient irrigation and drainage are selected, the organic matter content is ≥2.0%, and the pH value is between 5 and 7. (2) Cultivation management. 1. Ginger treatment (tanned seedlings): Remove the ginger from the storage stalks before and after the spring equinox, and germination for 1 day to 2 days after the sunbathing, the temperature is maintained at 25 ° C to 28 ° C for 30 to 40 days, when the bud length is 0.8 cm Sowing at 1.2 cm. 2. Planting: Planting before summer, leaving one strong bud per ginger, and planting ≤90,000 per hectare. 3. Fertilizer and water management: The base fertilizer is mainly farmyard manure, not less than 15 tons per hectare. The topdressing fertilizer is mainly based on farmyard manure or quick-acting compound fertilizer containing N, P and K, and supplements zinc fertilizer and boron fertilizer at the right time. Moisture management: tuber expansion period, timely irrigation in case of drought. 4. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 5. Harvest: It must be harvested before the autumn equinox. (3) Processing requirements. 1. Raw material requirements: tender ginger must be purchased in the autumn to autumn, to ensure that the ginger is juicy, crisp and tender, with less fiber content and moderate spicy taste. The pepper used should be the purple red or bright red "Fengjiao" of the real estate, and the accessories such as pepper and garlic also need local varieties. 2. Ingredients: Proportionately mix raw materials such as ginger, red pepper, garlic, cooking wine, salt, pepper. The weight of salt is controlled at 6% to 8%, the weight of ginger is not less than 60%, and the weight of red pepper is controlled at 20% to 25%. 3. Fermentation process: use a specific earth (pottery) altar, commonly known as "Mingshuitan". The mouth of the jar is up, and the mouth of the jar is surrounded by water. When the altar is filled with marinated products, the altar is covered with a beak and joined to the side of the altar. The clean drinking water is added to isolate the air, providing environmental conditions for anaerobic fermentation of the lactic acid bacteria, and facilitating the fermentation of the algae to generate gas escape. The earthen altar should be fired well, the glaze surface is smooth, there is no crack, no blisters, and the depth of the altar is consistent with the lid. In a suitable temperature cellar, the temperature is controlled at 18 ° C to 20 ° C, allowing it to naturally ferment for more than 30 days. Change water frequently to prevent foreign matter such as raw water and oil from entering the altar and affecting quality. (4) Product quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: The ginger shape is uniform, blocky, flaky, filamentous, granular, and the pepper is granular. The ginger color is light yellow, and the juice is light red. It has a complex aroma of raw materials such as ginger and pepper. The food is crisp and tender, with no appetite, and the mellow is rich and long lasting. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: project indicators salt (calculated as sodium chloride) / (g / 100g) 6 ~ 8 total acid (in lactic acid) / (g / 100g) ≤ 2.0 reducing sugar (in terms of glucose) / (g / 100g) ≥ 2.00 nitrite (calculated as NaNO2) / (mg / kg) ≤ 43. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must comply with the relevant national regulations for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of protection of the geographical indication products of the Fengfengtou ginger can submit an application for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products” to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Laifeng County, Hubei Province, which is approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.