Sanqingshan Noodles

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The raw material of Sanqingshan noodles is the starch processed by pollution-free potato planted in townships (towns) such as Sanqingshan. Sanqingshan noodles: uniform thickness, no draw, white and shiny, translucent, pure color, strong boiling resistance, non-stick thick, flexible and smooth, with the smell of proper odor, no visible impurities.

Technical requirements for quality of Sanqingshan noodles 1. Raw materials 1. Scope of production: The raw materials for the production of Sanqingshan vermicelli must be potatoes produced within the scope of protection. 2. 3. Site conditions: The soil type is chernozem and meadow soil, the texture is sandy loam, the average tillage layer is 20cm, the soil pH is 7 to 8.5, and the soil organic matter content is ≥1.5%. 4. Cultivation management: (1) Seed potato treatment: seed potato should be germinated, second should be cut, and three should be disinfected. (2) Sowing time and density: planted in late April each year, ≤ 80,000 points per hectare. (3) Sowing of the whole land: deep turning in autumn, and ploughing into a ridge to prepare the land. (4) Water and fertilizer management: balanced fertilization with formula, appropriate amount of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer as base fertilizer, chemical formula topdressing. In the case of drought, it is irrigated by natural precipitation and groundwater irrigation. Organic, green and pollution-free potatoes can be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations. (5) Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 5. Harvest: September to October each year. Second, the processing technology The main process: raw materials → fermentation → glutinous paste → leakage strip molding → boiled powder gelatinization → cooling → cut up hanging → freezing → drying. 2. (2) Fermentation: Physalis fermentation under natural environment, the production process controls the water temperature and time: winter water temperature 5 ° C to 15 ° C, time 30 h to 36 h; summer water temperature 25 ° C to 30 ° C, time 6 h to 10 h. (3) Boiling powder gelatinization: 95 ° C to 100 ° C, 30 s to 60 s. (4) Cooling: water temperature 5 ° C to 8 ° C. (5) Drying: It is naturally ventilated and dried, and dried to a moisture content of less than 16%. Third, the quality characteristics Sensory features: Straight strips, uniform thickness and no draw, white gloss, translucent, pure color, resistant to boiling, non-stick, not sticky, smooth and smooth. 2. 3. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the Sanqingshan noodle production area may apply to the Changling County Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Jilin Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Jilin Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and announced to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. . The statutory testing agency for Sanqingshan noodles is designated by the Jilin Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.