Wujiatai tribute tea

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Wujiatai tribute tea in Xuan'en County originated from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and has a long history of more than 300 years. Wujiatai tribute tea has a complete set of processing technology, each process has its own unique technical requirements and operation 诀窍, the general tea processing skills are unmatched.

According to the "Xuanen County" and related historical records, in the Qing Dynasty, the tea farmer named Wu Mingchangchen of Wujiatai in Xuan'en County was an outstanding tea maker. The tea he made was colored, fragrant, tasteful and shaped. The court royal court case, Qianlong Pinzhi, it is like cooked chestnut fragrant, Qiongye yellow green, clear and sweet, sweet and refreshing, even called "good tea", immediately pro-title "皇恩宠锡", people Made in gold, rewarded to Wu Changchen. Since then, Wujiatai tribute tea has become famous. For centuries, the production techniques of tribute tea have been passed down from generation to generation, and Xuan’en County has a reputation as the “hometown of tribute tea”. Gong tea production has a complete set of processing processes, each process has its own unique technical requirements and operation know-how, the general tea processing skills are unmatched. These traditional skills are the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people. They record the information of agricultural culture and the development of science and technology in different periods, and condense the innovative ability and professionalism of the people of all ethnic groups. It is a precious national cultural heritage. The tribute tea plantation benefits from superior soil, geography, climate, sunshine and other conditions. The reason why Wujiatai tribute tea is of good quality is because its “source” Xuan’en County belongs to the subtropical humid mountain climate. There is no heat in summer, no cold in winter, moist throughout the year, abundant rainfall, and the same period of rain and heat, the soil contains high selenium. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Wujiatai tribute tea planted an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres, with an annual output of dozens of tea. At present, the planting area of ​​tribute tea in Xuanen County has exceeded 100,000 mu, and tribute tea has become one of the leading agricultural industries in Xuanen County. The Wujiatai tribute tea making process has the difference between traditional crafts and modern technology. It has been hand-made in the past, and its main processing processes are: picking, killing, smashing, drying, shaping, selecting, packaging, and storage. Picking at the right time will ensure that the tea is tender. When picking, it is better to use one sharp point, one sharp one leaf, one sharp one and two leaves. After picking, it is thinly spread on the drying mat or clean floor to ensure that the fresh tea is ventilated and not burnt and burnt; Processing, so as not to pile up too long fresh leaves withered, affecting the quality of tea. The purpose of killing is to warm the tea leaves in the pot, remove some of the water, and make the fresh tea leaves have flexibility and toughness; when killing, pay attention to the heat. When you are squatting, use even force. If it is too heavy, it will cause the tea to break. If it is too light, it will not lose the bitter taste of fresh tea. Put the simmered tea into the pot and fry it. Turn it clockwise and counterclockwise to let the tea dry slowly. In the process of roasting tea leaves, the hands are constantly turned and the tea leaves are dried and set. After the tea is baked and dried, it will be finished tea after cooling. In order to ensure the quality of the tea, it is necessary to select impurities such as coarse leaves and fine stems in the tea. Then, use a special bag and weigh it to a certain weight for sale or storage. For storage, it is best to use pots or jars of pottery and porcelain. Do not put them in scented containers such as wooden boxes for a long time. Otherwise, they will absorb odor and affect the quality of tea. The researchers believe that the traditional hand-crafting skills of Wujiatai tribute tea have many important values. Cultural Value. A textbook of traditional skills. Scientific value. Gong tea production has a complete set of processing processes, each process has its own unique technical requirements and operation know-how, the general tea processing skills are unmatched. These production techniques are the long-term wisdom of the working people, and it is difficult to replace them with modern technical equipment. It is rich in scientific and technological genes and is a precious national cultural heritage. Economic Value.

Wujiatai tribute tea quality technical requirements (a) varieties. It is suitable for local groups to cultivate tea trees. (2) Site conditions. The tea garden has an altitude of 400m to 900m and a pH of 4.5 to 6.0, purple soil. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Nursery: The use of asexual reproduction, cutting method to cultivate tea seedlings. 2. Planting: The planting time in spring is from late February to early April, and the cultivation time in autumn is from mid-late October to late November. Planted according to double misplaced planting methods, planting 4000 to 5000 plants per 667m2 (mu). 3. Trimming: According to the age of the tea tree, the appropriate pruning method is adopted for the growth and pruning purposes respectively. The saplings are trimmed 3 times, and the tree trimming is performed in time after the end of the head tea. The adult tea tree is appropriately cultivated by light trimming, deep pruning, heavy pruning and table pruning to regenerate the tree. The tea garden with large coverage is trimmed at the edge of the tea line every year to maintain a gap of 20 cm between the tea rows. 4. Fertilization: The base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, the application depth is more than 20cm, the application amount of cake fertilizer is 200kg to 400kg/667m2 (mu) or the application amount of farm organic fertilizer is 1000kg to 2000kg/667m2 (mu). The top dressing is applied in the ditch 15 to 30 days before the tea mining. The application rate of pure nitrogen fertilizer does not exceed 15kg/667m2 (mu) each time, and the total annual consumption is less than 60kg/667m2 (mu). 5. Pest Control: It is strictly forbidden to use synthetic pesticides. The prevention and control of tea garden pests and diseases is carried out by means of comprehensive prevention and control measures combining agricultural control, biological control and physical control. 6. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Grading and grading. 1. Picking time: Picking time is from late March to late May. 2. Picking specifications: The fresh leaves of the tea leaves are old and tender, the size is uniform, the leaves are dark green, and there is no pedicle, no diseased leaves, purple leaves, fish leaves and red leaves. The specific specifications are as follows: item classification tribute green needle special green needle first bud leaf composition single bud ≥ 90%, one bud and one leaf initial exhibition ≤ 10% single bud ≥ 85%, one bud and one leaf initial exhibition ≤ 15% Bud one leaf ≥85%, one bud two leaf initial exhibition ≤15% 3. Picking method: Fresh leaf picking according to the requirements of various types of tea for processing raw materials, follow the combination of mining and retention, quality and quality, and the principle of gardening, Picking in time and grading, requiring "hands to pick". (5) Processing technology. 1. Fresh leaf spread: Fresh leaves are thinly spread on clean mats after being inspected by the factory. The thickness of the leaf is not more than 5cm. According to the requirements of various types of tea processing materials, the spreading time is 5h to 8h, every 2h. It is necessary to gently turn the leaves once to 3 hours, and the degree of spreading to the bud water content is 70% to 75%. 2. Killing: (1) Hand-killing: use chopping pot or electric wok to kill the green. When the leaves are placed, the pot temperature is between 160 °C and 170 °C, and the potting amount per pot is 200 g to 250 g. After the fresh leaves are placed in the pot, stir fry until the heat rises, using a combination of shaking and boring. When the leaf water content is 50% to 60%, the pot is set, and the green leaves are shaken and cooled in time. (2) Mechanical killing: use the continuous rolling machine to kill the green, the temperature of the killing is 120 ° C to 140 ° C (the temperature inside the pot is 5 cm from the bottom of the pot), the time is 35s to 90s, and the moisture content of the leaves after the greening is controlled at 58%. 60%, the leaves should be more first and then less, so as not to start the leaves when the temperature is too high to burn the leaves. After killing the leaves, let cool to room temperature, remove the coke pieces, yellow tablets, regain time 30min. 3. 揉捻: (1) Handcuffs: Hold the leaves in groups with both hands, rotate the group 顺 clockwise, first light and then heavy, and smash until the leaves are rolled into strips. (2) Mechanical 揉捻: 揉捻 machine 揉捻, the pressure method is air pressure for 5 min to 10 min, heavy pressure for 10 min to 15 min, and finally loose pressure, alternating light and heavy in the middle, the mourning time is 15 min to 35 min, to the bud roll tight In a strip, and the rate of formation is above 90%. 4. Beginning: The eucalyptus leaves are dried on the tea drying machine until the moisture content of the initial dry leaves is 45% to 55%. 5. Shape: can be manually or machine shaped. Manual shaping: shaping temperature 90 ° C to 170 ° C, time 15 min to 30 min; mechanical shaping: temperature 120 ° C to 150 ° C, suitable for each leaf, the shape time is about 20min, will be shaped at the late stage Processing and shaping on the plastic table, or after the end of the shape, the strips in the hand are used to further straighten the tea leaves and fix the shape to ensure the water content of the shaped leaves is about 15%. Remove the tea leaves. 6. Drying: Drying temperature 80 ° C to 100 ° C, until the water content of tea leaves 6% to 7%. After the machine is released, it will cool down and the moisture will be evenly distributed in the tea. 7. Aroma: temperature 100 ° C to 110 ° C, time 10min to 20min, or temperature 100 ° C to 120 ° C, time 5min to 15min. (6) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory features: grading project Gong bud green needle special green needle first-class shape tight and tight, straight and straight, tight and tight, still round, straight green, green, white, revealing green and green, with white complete integrity, complete and even and even Evenly scented, fragrant, fragrant, high-scented, fragrant or chestnut-flavored, long-scented, fragrant, chestnut-scented, long-smelling, bright, green, bright, green, bright, green, mellow, fresh, alcoholic, fresh, concentrated, bright, green, bright, green, bright, green, bright 2. Physical and chemical indicators: Project physical and chemical indicators, water extracts%≥36.0 total ash%≤6.5%%≤6.5 tea polyphenols%19-32amino acids%3-4.53. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of protection of Wujiatai tribute tea GI products may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Xuanen County, Hubei Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which is approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.