Xinning navel Orange

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The majestic soul of Danxia, ​​the ingenuity of Fuyi River, and the unique natural environment create the unique quality of Xinning navel orange. The fruit is red, the fruit is delicate, the flavor is sweet, the juice is tender, the quality is superior, the smell is fragrant. It is a good fruit in the fruit and has the reputation of “king of the orange”.

[Landmark Geography] The beautiful scenery of Danxia Soul, Qishan Xiushui is good for Orange Xinning County. It is located in the southwestern border of Hunan Province and has rich tourism resources. Among them, Lushan, known as the "Land of Danxia", is in the territory of the world. Natural heritage, National Geological Park, National AAAA Scenic Area. The total area of ​​the county is 2755.75 square kilometers. It belongs to the hilly mountainous area in the south of the Yangtze River. It has Yuechengling in the east and the remaining peaks of Xuefeng Mountain in the southwest. The mountains are horizontal and horizontal, and the landforms are diverse. The county is surrounded by mountains, and the Fuyi River runs through the whole territory. Qiugang intersects to form a unique independent water system and a relatively closed ecological environment. There is a mountain area of ​​140,000 hectares, and the area suitable for planting navel orange is 40,000 hectares. The vegetation in the area is in good condition, the forest coverage rate is high, the mountains are clear and beautiful, the eyes are green, the ecological advantages are obvious, the microclimate conditions are superior, and the mountain soil is rich in various trace elements. The unique natural environment makes Xinning an ideal area for cultivating high quality navel oranges. Uniquely produced, the king of the orange is full of Xinxiang County. It is known as the “Five Ridges are hot, pleasant and unique”. It is a subtropical humid climate zone with mild climate, warm winter and cool summer, abundant rainfall and long frost-free period. The hottest month (7) month average temperature is 27.9 °C, the extreme maximum temperature 80% year is less than 37.6 °C, the coldest month (January) average temperature is 5.3 °C, the extreme minimum temperature 90% year is above -5 °C It is beneficial to the growth of navel orange in summer, and is beneficial to the safe wintering of navel orange fruit trees. At the same time, the temperature difference between day and night in September-November is relatively large, generally above 10 °C, which is conducive to the coloring and quality improvement of navel orange fruit which is becoming mature. Xinning County is a typical agricultural county with few industrial and mining enterprises. The navel orange production area is not polluted by industrial “three wastes”. The soil of the county is divided into 8 soil types, 15 sub-categories, 57 soil genus, 158 soil types, and complete soil types. The soil is deep, the soil is good, it is rich in organic matter, and it does not contain heavy metals and harmful substances. The environmental conditions of the place of production meet the requirements of NY/T391, which is suitable for the cultivation of Xinning navel orange. The production water for irrigation water and processing enterprises in the Navel Orange Garden meets the water consumption standards, and no harmful substances and heavy metals are found in the navel orange garden. The unique climate and water and soil conditions make the Xinning navel orange pesticide residues and heavy metals produced in this area qualified and reach the A-level green food standard. The color is orange-red, the fruit surface is delicate; the flavor is sweet, the juice is delicate, the smell is fragrant, and the quality is superior. It is praised by consumers as “the quality of Xinning navel orange is good, sweet and crispy and delicious”. The most prominent feature is that it is resistant to storage and has a long shelf life. The navel oranges in other places begin to rot and deteriorate after the Spring Festival, while the Xinning navel oranges are stored at room temperature until mid-May of the following year. The flesh has no dry water and granulation. Still not reduced. [Cultural background] The legends of the wild history in the mountains have a long history in the literature. In Xinning, there are many legends about the Emperor Sui in the countryside. There are the names of the Lushan Mountain, the Lushan Mountain League Stone, the Spot Bamboo... The legend of navel orange. According to legend, more than 4,000 years ago, Emperor Sui took the love of Emperor Huang, the female Yingnan patrol to Xinning, and suddenly encountered heavy rain. In the mountains of the Sui Emperor, sheltering from the rain and hunger and cold, I saw a broad-leaved tree in the mountain covered with Huang Chengcheng. The fruit is very attractive. The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty ordered the minister to pick up the hunger. After eating, he felt delicious and delicious. At the same time, he found that the bottom of each fruit has a human belly button, and the appearance is like orange. The orange is small and the taste is more delicious than the orange. Therefore, the Emperor called the fruit "navel orange". Xinning people have been picking and eating this fruit since then. According to another legend, Zeng Guofan’s evaluation was “I have never seen such a person in my life, but when I made a name for the world, I ended up with a stern death”, Jiang Zhongyuan (1812-1854), a famous Qing army soldier in the late Qing Dynasty, picked the navel orange from her hometown Xinning. "Give it to Zeng Guofan for tasting. Zeng Guofan also praised this fruit after he tasted it. The Xiangjun Jun, the later governor of the two rivers, Liu Kunyi (1830 - 1902), brought some "navel orange" from his hometown Xinning to Li Hongzhang. Li Hongzhang also praised "the best in the fruit, delicious and delicious!" Ning County records that in 1976, Shuimiao Village, Shuimiao Town, Xinning, Changping Village of Gaoqiao Town, Longkouli of Huilong Town and other places found more than 40 acres of wild navel orange community.

Xinning navel orange quality technical requirements (1) variety. Yu Feng. (2) Site conditions. The altitude of the protected area is 290m to 550m, the soil type is yellow or red soil, the organic matter content is ≥1.5, the soil thickness is ≥60cm, and the soil pH is 5.5 to 6.5. (3) Cultivation management. 1. 2. Planting density is 550 to 650 hectares. 3. Fertilization: ≥ 37.5 tons of fertilized organic fertilizer per hectare per year, 30 days before mining, fertilization and application are prohibited. 4. Flower and fruit management: implementation of flower thinning and fruit thinning, the yield per hectare is less than 3.75 tons. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. From late November to early December, more than 70% of the peel is colored and harvested in batches. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. The fresh-keeping property is good, the pulp has no dry water and granulation, and the meat is crispy and tender, and the slag is sweet and sour. 2.

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Producers within the scope of Xinning Navel Orange can submit an application to the Xinning County Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Hunan Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which will be reviewed by the Hunan Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and reported to the AQSIQ for approval. . The statutory testing agency of Xinning Navel Orange is designated by Hunan Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau.